Cork u20 Hurling 2024

Comment of the year . Drop Buckley . Man of match in a minor and U20 all Ireland . Same pedigree as cian lynch . Defo senior material . Play him as a roaming 3 rd midfielder / corner forward in the future.
Is this the first game that this team have ever lost as a group since minor?

Some hammering to take.
Tipp better them all over the pitch tonight.

Over reliance on scoring points from all angles but no intent on going for goals.
Shooting accuracy way off.

Real test of character and resilience for them now, they have another chance so let's hope they can get back on track.
Passed the character and resilience test, back on track.

Still think we need to be creating & taking more goal chances if we're to beat the Tipp U20s
Never want to hear this Clare whinging about travelling to Cork for a game again

Shithole of a cattle shed "stadium"
No public parking
Security on local shopping centres preventing parking there
Crowd of 3,000 and traffic bedlam after with no steward or Garda traffic management evident
Match at 6.45 on a workday as they have no floodlights
Sabrina Dinan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

2nd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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Cork Voices Of The Irish Revolution

St. Peters Cork, Tomorrow @ 10am

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