Cork Hurlers - Part 2

This won’t happen, not purposely anyway.

If Waterford are that close to Limerick then they will also have a glorious chance to knock Limerick out altogether so don’t expect there to be any wild deals to be made on something like that.

But I wouldn’t rule out a draw next weekend.
Davy Fitz would double cross Kiely. Dessie coming up to take a free in 70th minute to win the game? Davy would say “drive it over “…. Deal or no deal
That's Insane

However, Davy is a serious motivator - he'll surely get disciplined for yesterday and then he'll be a Martyr. A draw is a possibility but Limerick are far more clinical than Clare and I expect them to win comfortably

In fairness to the much maligned Davy he got wahfud to beat Cork, should've beat tipp, and within a point of Clare in Ennis. He's an unlikeable bawbag but he seems to know his stuff when it comes to getting the best out of this wahfud team. That said, my pal reckons the players must have taken over and kicked "Davyball" to the kerb.

Hopefully there won't be a Germany/Austria type arrangement for a draw and them both going through. Don't think that would happen in GAA though. Good hurling men in both counties would want to win it fair and square or go down fighting.
Reference "The disgrace of Gijon 1982" ....... Germany v Austria . Or a movie with John Kiely as Snow White and Davy as ...........grumpy (Kinnerk as Doc obviously)
I think there’s still a mindset to keep the big 3 quiet, even though we haven’t won anything in almost 20 years. Waterford, Limerick, Wexford and Galway still view themselves as underdogs and love to see Cork, KK and Tipp losing.
It's great to have Coleman, Fitzy & Connolly back to their best after injuries and Barrett is now a serious operator.

But don't forget that we have 2 exceptional forwards still to find top form - Robbie O Flynn & Jack O Connor - 2 of the fastest forwards in the game - when these 2 get back to 100%, anything is possible
Also not to forget Kingston, after a few tough years he’s really starting to bubble now.

He’s one of the most explosive players in the country and is a complete nightmare coming on against defenders with fatigued legs.

Great to see Shane playing with swagger and confidence again, I’m delighted for him
Despite not wanting to give oxygen to something as stupid as a manufactured draw between Waterford and Limerick, Limerick will not want to leave it so close to want to draw. If they are beaten they are out.
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