Cork Hurlers - Part 2

Now that we have the team selection I wonder if there will be any major/minor changes in our style of play and game management.
For the last number of years we have been very one dimensional with the various iterations of the running game.
Pat Ryan mentioned last year after the Limerick defeat that they had been working on NOT taking the ball into contact where possible and on NOT hand passing the ball blind.
Nol and Cl coughed up 1-1 between them by not doing that in the Limerick game.
To be fair the players nor the managements were at fault as it was their first year and it takes time to change a legacy system.
Pat Ryan also in the paper this week talking about the need for more goals and a lot more scores from the half back line.
During the teddy Mac game before Christmas I did notice that they were moving the ball quickly to the side line and up the field avoiding contact where possible but haven't seen as much of that since.
I do think we will see something different but who knows what.
In the modern game , the defensive duties of the forward line has become critical. Do we think that Hoggy, Harnedy and Lehane have the legs and the lungs to be running up and down the pitch constantly?? I don't think so. I'm cautiously optimistic although the bookies have set the handicap at 3 points (puck of a sliotair). I would have thought we were well ahead of that number.
Work with a few lads from Waterford. Lots of talk of infighting in the camp, the supporters not getting behind them, siege mentality etc. Perfect Davy Fitz stuff. We should win , but ..........
My only prediction for Sunday is Waterford players taking the ball into contact and then throwing themselves to the ground waving their hands and picking up soft frees :)
In the modern game , the defensive duties of the forward line has become critical. Do we think that Hoggy, Harnedy and Lehane have the legs and the lungs to be running up and down the pitch constantly?? I don't think so. I'm cautiously optimistic although the bookies have set the handicap at 3 points (puck of a sliotair). I would have thought we were well ahead of that number.
Work with a few lads from Waterford. Lots of talk of infighting in the camp, the supporters not getting behind them, siege mentality etc. Perfect Davy Fitz stuff. We should win , but ..........
My only prediction for Sunday is Waterford players taking the ball into contact and then throwing themselves to the ground waving their hands and picking up soft frees :)
And we will do exactly the same, as long as refs keep buying it everyone will do it
Very interesting reading yesterday evening, and I think all in all looking at both sides selected, its Davy 1 - Pat 0. ODT was bang on a couple of weeks back suggesting that particularly against Waterford, Coleman was a shoe-in for 7 and one of the Downeys would lose out. The reason for this of course was watching Waterford use 4 to 5 forwards at times in games, with Leavy as a 7th defender. PR anticipating a spare defender in the cork half will want that to be Mark Coleman all day long - he has the best touch for receiving the puc-out and the best passing skills also. It also lets Joyce drive on a bit, which he loves doing.

Furthermore, Eoin Downey, for all the good stuff he did during the league, he had a ropey last quarter against Waterford, Mike Kiely in particular gave him plenty problems so there's probably no surprise the way the back line has been selected. And for the posters remarding that Millerick at 5 and Rob Downey at 7 are our best wing backs - they will probably spend most of their time in that position anyway. So you might be looking at something along the lines of:

------SOD v Hutchinson----DC v Kiely------
GM v Prender----CJ v Mahony------RD v Bennett

All those Waterford forwards are fairly interchangeable - Bennett and Kevin Mahony could be in the full forward line.

Where it gets interesting is that Waterford didn't go for Leavy, assuming this is because De Burca has been going very well apparently, so what you might have is C Lyons going to centre back area, and De Burca sitting in front of the full back line.

SH v D Lyons------CL v C Lyons------ST v K Bennett
---------------------De Burca------------------------
---------PH vs Prunty--------AC vs M Fitz-----------

With Iarlaith Daly following Barrett out around the middle. However, I think you'll definitely see Waterford going conventional here, at least for a period of the game. They have all of their top defenders back fit so will have more confidence of not needing the 7th defender, and in that situation I think Pat might be a little bit out-thought. Calum Lyons is one of the most under-rated hurlers in the country and he could do a lot of damage in the air against Coleman if he stays put at 10.

Looking at our selection vs our last championship game, we've brought in TOC instead of Meade (positive), Barrett instead of Kingston (positive), Coleman instead of NOL (positive)... but Twomey and CL instead of Dalton and TOM (not sure that's positive).

The Lehane selection was obvious from the league selections and I actually think he'll do grand on Sunday - he'll settle quickly, get on ball and he's an accurate shooter. I think there is definitely horses for courses happening here, and hopefully we get to see a few more dogs into that middle third over the next couple of weeks - Roche, TOM are key guys in this regard still.

I'm a little worried I have to say but we have a much stronger bench than Waterford. The fitzgeralds are decent and Fagan of course but they've very little after that... Sean Walsh got a few flukey goals in the league - he wouldn't be considered much of a hurler in waterford. We've ROF, ED, Hayes, TOM etc. - they can all make a big impact, and might be the ones to get us over the line.
If you look at Waterford's starting 15. Conor Prunty, Iarlath Daly, Tadgh de Burca and Stephen Bennett have been out of action for a while. Its a big ask to come up to championship pace straight away. They look strong on paper but they can't be 100%.
Very interesting reading yesterday evening, and I think all in all looking at both sides selected, its Davy 1 - Pat 0. ODT was bang on a couple of weeks back suggesting that particularly against Waterford, Coleman was a shoe-in for 7 and one of the Downeys would lose out. The reason for this of course was watching Waterford use 4 to 5 forwards at times in games, with Leavy as a 7th defender. PR anticipating a spare defender in the cork half will want that to be Mark Coleman all day long - he has the best touch for receiving the puc-out and the best passing skills also. It also lets Joyce drive on a bit, which he loves doing.

Furthermore, Eoin Downey, for all the good stuff he did during the league, he had a ropey last quarter against Waterford, Mike Kiely in particular gave him plenty problems so there's probably no surprise the way the back line has been selected. And for the posters remarding that Millerick at 5 and Rob Downey at 7 are our best wing backs - they will probably spend most of their time in that position anyway. So you might be looking at something along the lines of:

------SOD v Hutchinson----DC v Kiely------
GM v Prender----CJ v Mahony------RD v Bennett

All those Waterford forwards are fairly interchangeable - Bennett and Kevin Mahony could be in the full forward line.

Where it gets interesting is that Waterford didn't go for Leavy, assuming this is because De Burca has been going very well apparently, so what you might have is C Lyons going to centre back area, and De Burca sitting in front of the full back line.

SH v D Lyons------CL v C Lyons------ST v K Bennett
---------------------De Burca------------------------
---------PH vs Prunty--------AC vs M Fitz-----------

With Iarlaith Daly following Barrett out around the middle. However, I think you'll definitely see Waterford going conventional here, at least for a period of the game. They have all of their top defenders back fit so will have more confidence of not needing the 7th defender, and in that situation I think Pat might be a little bit out-thought. Calum Lyons is one of the most under-rated hurlers in the country and he could do a lot of damage in the air against Coleman if he stays put at 10.

Looking at our selection vs our last championship game, we've brought in TOC instead of Meade (positive), Barrett instead of Kingston (positive), Coleman instead of NOL (positive)... but Twomey and CL instead of Dalton and TOM (not sure that's positive).

The Lehane selection was obvious from the league selections and I actually think he'll do grand on Sunday - he'll settle quickly, get on ball and he's an accurate shooter. I think there is definitely horses for courses happening here, and hopefully we get to see a few more dogs into that middle third over the next couple of weeks - Roche, TOM are key guys in this regard still.

I'm a little worried I have to say but we have a much stronger bench than Waterford. The fitzgeralds are decent and Fagan of course but they've very little after that... Sean Walsh got a few flukey goals in the league - he wouldn't be considered much of a hurler in waterford. We've ROF, ED, Hayes, TOM etc. - they can all make a big impact, and might be the ones to get us over the line.
Superb post and Id agree with a lot of it. Waterford have always had some super players but have been serious underachievers. The only point I’d question is your Davy 1 Pat 0.

Davy will inevitably make changes with a few late changes. While I know he’s had a minor injury I’d be surprised if Fagen didn’t start, similarly we all saw how Leavy played in the league against us I think Davy will start him.

We are going to need a big performance from Fitz on Sunday to get out with the win in a packed middle area of a tight pitch.
It is strange to think that of the team that started our last championship game last year that only 9 are starting on Sunday.
That said Declan Dalton and Shane Kingston are injured so not available and if Mark Coleman and Alan Connolly had been fit last year they would have expected to start.

It is a strong team, Mark Coleman for Eoin Downey is hardly controversial even though Eoin has been hugely impressive all year. However, he is still only 20 and in my opinion will probably play some part in all four round robin games which is not bad for such a young lad. Two from last years under 20 on the bench isn't bad and we know that Cunningham and Mullins had injury issues so could not really stake a claim... yet.

Great to see Sean Twomey start , Connolly back, ROF fit enough to make the bench and Barrett included, anyone who has read my posts this year will that I believed Shane Barrett could have a big impact in 2024... no pressure then.

I think it is clear that Conor Lehane is the player that has most to prove to a lot of Cork supporters. It is very clear he has a specific role to play in managements game plan and for all our sakes and his own I hope he delivers... we all wish him well.

I feel sorry for Eoin Roche in particular who looked good when he played but also Conor O Callaghan, Cormac O Brien, Daire O Leary and others who did not make the 26 but hopefully some will at least make the bench in later games.

Probably the biggest surprise is Eoin Carey getting on the bench so he must be showing very well in recent weeks as I don't think that was expected.

It has been a long eleven months since our last Championship game...too long but it is here now and let's hope the potential that everybody mentions is finally moved onto the next level. Make no mistake this is a difficult task against Waterford, ignore all the bull crap about Waterford being down, I would snap your hand off for a one point victory.

11 under 20 winners in the panel which augurs well for the future.

Safe journey to everyone agus Corcaigh Abu
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