Cork Hurlers - Part 2

ftzgerald moaning about penalty rules he wants gaa
to change rules re taking of penalties he says somebody will
be badly hurt someday, he was a good man to blast a penalty himself without
thought for the 3 men on the line,
From Rebel Gaa.

redpowers: by the way if kelly charges off his line Nash should just aim straight at him but head height or slightly higher (or under his legs) as the keeper is taking himself out of the equation as regards making a save. In order words just avoid kelly's arse and there's an open goal!

RebelsAbú: I feel it's important to point out that Kelly had already moved off his line for the first 21 yard free when Nash began his run up but before Nash had picked the ball. No matter what way you interpret the rules, Kelly cannot do that.

City End: I love the fact that he says he has a strong opinion on it, what the hell has that got to do with anything? It's not open to personal interpretation kid,

samsung: I can see the logic of starting Cian Mac the next day before Coughlan. He is a puckout option. I agree 100% that he does not have the pace for Croke Park but i beleive it is worth chancing from the off and if it oes not work out then call him ashore early.

Moylan has never done well when started and i think thats why the management wont start him this saturday. He has done well when introduced against Waterford last year and again the last day in the final.

Jamie Coughlan i beleive can play a huge part again if introduced. The occasion definitely got to him and Lorcan the last day and i think the 2 of them will be all guns blazing Saturday. He is good enough to start but i would prefer to have Cian Mac experiment done and dusted after the first 15 mins in the match or never. He offers very little coming off the bench whereas Moylan and Coughlan can be match winners late on.

gilabbeyst: The mealy mouthed comments from Davy and now Kelly are a clear attempt to influence the ref and also to put Cork off. Very unsporting in my view but no surprise I suppose. You could never accuse Davy of having class - something anyone who has ever been within earshot of him at a game will testify to. The abuse from him is disgraceful.

gilabbeyst: Samsung, another reason for not starting Coughlan is physical prsence will be very important in the early exchanges. Can't afford too many wristy lads when giving and taking hits in equal measure. Bring him on later.
So let me get the head around this.

Davy is complaining that Nash is carrying the ball forward from where the free was given and is making it dangerous for the goalkeeper and other defenders.

Then you have Kelly himself saying he should be left off his line the moment Nash rises it so he can charge it down.Did Davy not tell him that would be dangerous? :confused:
So let me get the head around this.

Davy is complaining that Nash is carrying the ball forward from where the free was given and is making it dangerous for the goalkeeper and other defenders.

Then you have Kelly himself saying he should be left off his line the moment Nash rises it so he can charge it down.Did Davy not tell him that would be dangerous? :confused:

Win or lose on Saturday thanks to JBM and the team for restoring our faith in the magic that is Cork hurling.This year has been special and please god we'll ice the cake now on Saturday evening.At the end of they day our lad's are the fellas with the red jerseys.They have JBM and his backroom team of Cork hurling legends on the sideline and they also have the best and most enthusiastic supporters in Ireland on their side.Leave the mind games and the shit talk to the Clare lads and we'll concentrate on what Cork teams do best and that is hurling the opposition into submission.At the and of the day we are a Cork team and we fear no one.Let Clare do the worrying about us.

#Tradition #Heritage #Cork Hurling
Great to be back in the fold lads (I got a ban there recently for suggesting a scumbags gaff was burned to the ground and him ran out of town (??) - proc gone to the dogs to be honest!!)

But, Luck, back to the real deal - Cork Hurling.

Delighted to see exile keeping up the morale
Win or lose on Saturday thanks to JBM and the team for restoring our faith in the magic that is Cork hurling.This year has been special and please god we'll ice the cake now on Saturday evening.At the end of they day our lad's are the fellas with the red jerseys.They have JBM and his backroom team of Cork hurling legends on the sideline and they also have the best and most enthusiastic supporters in Ireland on their side.Leave the mind games and the shit talk to the Clare lads and we'll concentrate on what Cork teams do best and that is hurling the opposition into submission.At the and of the day we are a Cork team and we fear no one.Let Clare do the worrying about us.

#Tradition #Heritage #Cork Hurling

Good man Youghally
Win or lose on Saturday thanks to JBM and the team for restoring our faith in the magic that is Cork hurling.This year has been special and please god we'll ice the cake now on Saturday evening.At the end of they day our lad's are the fellas with the red jerseys.They have JBM and his backroom team of Cork hurling legends on the sideline and they also have the best and most enthusiastic supporters in Ireland on their side.Leave the mind games and the shit talk to the Clare lads and we'll concentrate on what Cork teams do best and that is hurling the opposition into submission.At the and of the day we are a Cork team and we fear no one.Let Clare do the worrying about us.

#Tradition #Heritage #Cork Hurling

Nice one Youghalie!
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Ruben Berrios Septet

Coughlan's, Tomorrow @ 7:30pm

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