Cork city has gone to the dogs.

I was told earlier today that the guy in his 30s was signed in by his brother because he was having halucinations and believed he was going to be murdered. He was acting in an extremely paranoid manner in front of his own family. Story goes his brother signed him in to the Mercy hoping he'd be put in the psychiatric unit but said unit was full and he was told they'd be willing to take him on a public ward, to which the brother allegedly said "Don't leave him on his own" as he's in a manic state.

May all just be a story put about by Buttimer and/or may be the truth. Either way an 89 year old guy was beaten to death in a hospital ward 😞
Why would Frank Buttimer want to put any story about?
I was told earlier today that the guy in his 30s was signed in by his brother because he was having halucinations and believed he was going to be murdered. He was acting in an extremely paranoid manner in front of his own family. Story goes his brother signed him in to the Mercy hoping he'd be put in the psychiatric unit but said unit was full and he was told they'd be willing to take him on a public ward, to which the brother allegedly said "Don't leave him on his own" as he's in a manic state.

May all just be a story put about by Buttimer and/or may be the truth. Either way an 89 year old guy was beaten to death in a hospital ward 😞
I've no way of knowing what happened here. However, once them forms are signed, you're going to the acute unit, to be assessed. Bed or no bed, the acute unit has to accept you. Normally, with some poor soul (voluntary patient) put in the back of a taxi and transferred to the closest acute unit place with a bed.
I was told earlier today that the guy in his 30s was signed in by his brother because he was having halucinations and believed he was going to be murdered. He was acting in an extremely paranoid manner in front of his own family. Story goes his brother signed him in to the Mercy hoping he'd be put in the psychiatric unit but said unit was full and he was told they'd be willing to take him on a public ward, to which the brother allegedly said "Don't leave him on his own" as he's in a manic state.

May all just be a story put about by Buttimer and/or may be the truth. Either way an 89 year old guy was beaten to death in a hospital ward 😞
he doesn't have a bother anymore (RIP)
Stand-up Comedy Club: Best Of Irish Comedy
The Roundy, Castle St.

13th Sep 2024 @ 8:30 pm
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The Mad Banners

Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 5pm

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