Cork city has gone to the dogs.

I started at 17. First night involved 3 pints of Guinness in a pub in Washington St which was known for serving under 18s. Was well langers afterwards.
Cork city and suburb pubs tended to be far stricter about serving underage lads & lassies back in the late 1970s/early 1980s.

God Lee, you were very sheltered. 17! You weren’t tipping the night of your inter cert results or even earlier?

You’re right though. There were loads of pubs on Patrick’s Quay and McCurtaiin Street in particular that’d serve you before (for me anyway) we headed on up to the Arc. The feeling seemed as long as you didn’t abuse it and start spoiling the night out for the ‘real men’ drinkers, many establishments were happy to serve you your few carling and limes. Money was really the only restraining factor. It was common back then to create ‘mixtures’, robbed from our parents booze cupboards. The FCA was another good one. We were only 15 or so and drinking away in the messes in Kilworth, Ft. Davis etc and it was the cheapest pint in the country (no excise duty on booze served in the barracks, back then anyway).
FCA man here aswell. (Murphy barracks) Though we’d our first pints in the coal quay , Gawked our rings up but carried on a few months later. Madness looking back we were barely 16.
God Lee, you were very sheltered. 17! You weren’t tipping the night of your inter cert results or even earlier?

You’re right though. There were loads of pubs on Patrick’s Quay and McCurtaiin Street in particular that’d serve you before (for me anyway) we headed on up to the Arc. The feeling seemed as long as you didn’t abuse it and start spoiling the night out for the ‘real men’ drinkers, many establishments were happy to serve you your few carling and limes. Money was really the only restraining factor. It was common back then to create ‘mixtures’, robbed from our parents booze cupboards. The FCA was another good one. We were only 15 or so and drinking away in the messes in Kilworth, Ft. Davis etc and it was the cheapest pint in the country (no excise duty on booze served in the barracks, back then anyway).
Not exactly Stan.
I looked young for my age so didn't frequent pubs that often. Even when I turned 18 I used to carry id to ensure that I'd get my pints.
Easier getting served in country pubs I found.
FCA man here aswell. (Murphy barracks) Though we’d our first pints in the coal quay , Gawked our rings up but carried on a few months later. Madness looking back we were barely 16.
Knew a lad in the FCA around the same time that lived in the hane, 'Charlie' was his name. Lovely guy that passed away a couple of years ago.
All Ballyephane alright ., Lamper Sullivan and co. We’d about 12 from Bishopstown Great craic Army truck used pick us up on Rossa Avenue Firing Lee Enfield 303 rifles and Howitzers at 16 😊
As I said grand as long as its not interfering with school work.

Who cares about kids 'making contacts' if they end up doing a shit leaving cert.
Social interaction is a skill some kids pick up only as team players
My own youngest is introvert and without Avondale utd- Carrigaline GAA ,Tae Kwon dao,and now UCC soccer he’d have been socially awkward
- now though still shy he’s more confident and has a large group of friends/ contacts via sport- this Elio have happened without sports activities
John Murry
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Nov 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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