Cork city has gone to the dogs.

Never known it as bad, little Garda policing. People giving out tents to these people would want their head examined, the Simon Shelter would want a vigorous asessment of their contribution to facilitating drug dealing and giving shelter to addicts from all over Ireland. Too easy in Cork for these chronic, chaotic addicts to thrive.
Their behaviour needs to be confronted not facilitated. Closing down the Simon Shelter would be a good place to start. Chronically addicted people should not be in a setting where group dynamics take over.

Too obvious a wum
Never known it as bad, little Garda policing. People giving out tents to these people would want their head examined, the Simon Shelter would want a vigorous asessment of their contribution to facilitating drug dealing and giving shelter to addicts from all over Ireland. Too easy in Cork for these chronic, chaotic addicts to thrive.
Their behaviour needs to be confronted not facilitated. Closing down the Simon Shelter would be a good place to start. Chronically addicted people should not be in a setting where group dynamics take over.

An unpopular opinion i know but the unofficial "do gooders" actually may be doing more harm than good by "enabling" addicts (alchol is just as bad as smack) who adopt street living.

Also now paramedics can bring many overdoses back from the brink of death using new drugs so i believe that fatal ODs from heroin are in the decline.
An unpopular opinion i know but the unofficial "do gooders" actually may be doing more harm than good by "enabling" addicts (alchol is just as bad as smack) who adopt street living.

Also now paramedics can bring many overdoses back from the brink of death using new drugs so i believe that fatal ODs from heroin are in the decline.

I was sitting outside a nice pub on Parnell Place one afternoon and a fella literally crawled into the pub. Had to be picked up by two bar staff and carried over to Simon. They said that such incidents weren't uncommon.

Bar staff don't get paid enough to be dealing with that kind of thing.
I was sitting outside a nice pub on Parnell Place one afternoon and a fella literally crawled into the pub. Had to be picked up by two bar staff and carried over to Simon. They said that such incidents weren't uncommon.

Bar staff don't get paid enough to be dealing with that kind of thing.

Working in that trade it's expected you have to look after the dregs of society as they all end up like that eventually.
I was sitting outside a nice pub on Parnell Place one afternoon and a fella literally crawled into the pub. Had to be picked up by two bar staff and carried over to Simon. They said that such incidents weren't uncommon.

Bar staff don't get paid enough to be dealing with that kind of thing.

Des cahill (not the rte fella) got dogs abuse lately from people online
because he said people should not give out tents, I can see where he is coming from in that having people in these tents leaves them sitting ducks for scum,
We probably don’t need more police- just the police we have to be out doing policing

As with most other countries we should have an auxiliary/ local force too, but that’s always shot down
Also now paramedics can bring many overdoses back from the brink of death using new drugs so i believe that fatal ODs from heroin are in the decline.

Naloxone. An amazing drug. Unfortunately many more overdoses could be prevented if designated staff in such shelters were permitted to administer it also.
The paramedics are already run off their feet, and very often staff in shelters and hostels are on the scene of an overdose immediately.
I know of cases where the user has died with staff present while waiting for paramedics to arrive on the scene.
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