
I was reading the Echo there and came across this:
National Geographic reported that your odds of being killed by a meteor are 1 in 1,600,000. So, the odds would seem infinitesimally small that a meteor, which had been flying through space for more than four-and-a-half billion years without hitting a target, would hit the home of a family with the last name “Commette.” According to Time magazine, in a bizarre case of cosmic synchronicity, that is exactly what happened to one family in France. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and the Commettes are now the proud owners of their own extremely rare extra-terrestrial rock.

So it got me thinking: what is the most bizarre or amazing coincidence you have come across? I met a guy that I used to go to school with when I was visiting New Orleans some years ago. He was living in California and just happened to be making a connecting flight when I bumped into him at New Orleans Airport.
Around one o’clock the day of the 9/11 attacks my father was hurrying to buy two sacks of grass seed as the co-op shut for lunch, one sack burst as he was carrying them to the counter and someone ran to get a container to pick it up. As he stood chatting at the counter the bag in his other hand burst a few minutes later. When he came home and saw the news he realised how strange this all was in light of what had happened.

It’s all perfectly explicable but was very surreal at the time.
Around one o’clock the day of the 9/11 attacks my father was hurrying to buy two sacks of grass seed as the co-op shut for lunch, one sack burst as he was carrying them to the counter and someone ran to get a container to pick it up. As he stood chatting at the counter the bag in his other hand burst a few minutes later. When he came home and saw the news he realised how strange this all was in light of what had happened.

It’s all perfectly explicable but was very surreal at the time.
Two sacks of grass seed?
He must have bin laden down….
Stand-up Comedy Club: Thursday Showcase
The Roundy, Castle St.

27th Feb 2025 @ 8:30 pm
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