Bus Eireann.

Out of 25 of these that went on the streets of Cork on 09, we are down to the last 5 now and they are planned to be off service this Thursday, with SL's 21 - 25 the only ones still here in Cork
When they are gone, that will be it as they were bought specifically for Cork and only operated in Cork.

Meanwhile a few years ago a few of the following were moved from Cork to Limerick as more and more double deckers arrived into Capwell.
4 of these Corkonians are coming again and back to operate on the streets down here :

Sadly all the SL's are now off service as predicated last week.

It has become a rare occurrence now to see a single decker with currently 25 MC's and 5 VWL's operating in Cork now.

For the first time in years today VWD's ( Double Deckers ) appeared today on the 216 ( Rochestown/ Monkstown/ CUH ) and the 223 ( City Centre to Monkstown )



And here they are lads, 3 grand and you could have your very own SL :

I think this is sad, how Corks ex SL 21 now has to transport dirty double inn animals around the filthy streets of Dumplin.

Here she is in service with her new owners

Andrew Ryan and Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

22nd Feb 2025 @ 8:00 pm
More info..

Kyla Cobbler

Cork Opera House, Today @ 8pm

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