Beholden to you, as The Citizen said in the Cyclops episode of Ulysses.Ballyanan Woods is a 20 min walk from the town centre and is perfect for dogwalking
Beholden to you, as The Citizen said in the Cyclops episode of Ulysses.Ballyanan Woods is a 20 min walk from the town centre and is perfect for dogwalking
Or dogging?Ballyanan Woods is a 20 min walk from the town centre and is perfect for dogwalking
Mr Price, Dealz, Euro Giant, Mr. Dealz, Homesavers, Aldi, Lidl.Christ! That's some impressive list of shops in Midleton alright. Haven't been there since before the 'rona but will definitely have to scoot down there soon for a Saturday. Is there a good spot to give the dog a run out that you'd recommend?
Mr Price, Dealz, Euro Giant, Mr. Dealz, Homesavers, Aldi, Lidl.
Can't wait to get me a cheap toblerone and a bottle of "Birra Mapelli."
"assorted mucksavages, knuckledraggers, spudgobblers and people who call going in town "going up to the city"Be very very careful Drucker you fanny.....
I hear they've even got a subway down there now as well. You can get a bacon and cabbage Hang Sangwich.
My apologies, I was only ballhopping.You'll regret saying that Drucker me....
You think all this is a game.....well let me tell you something.....this ain't no game motha fucka....