Billy Kelleher's Abortion Agenda

Only pointing out that your choice of language sanitizes the bloody reality of abortion. I totally accept that I live in a country where abortion is legal but I will never accept that the killing of the unborn on demand without serious medical reasons is right.

You appear to have difficulty in understanding the rationale of people who do not share your view point and who have serious reservations with regard to the on demand killing of pre natal babies.
You apparently found it incomprehensible that a pro life poster would refuse to have her baby delivered by an abortionist
You also found it condensendingly incomprehensible that pro life voters could vote selectively to terminate the political careers of the most vocal pro abortion politicans. (Surely they could not be than intelligent? :rolleyes:)

You must also find it totally incomprehensible that somebody would sacrifice a promising career for her pro life views (Lucinda Creighton)

I would be very uncomfortable, if I was a pro life woman who had lost a much wanted baby in a miscarriage and you were my counsellor,

Have not looked at this thread with a while, but refreshing to see one of the Procs illuminati being illuminated.
One of my close friends back home had her first baby a month ago, 4 weeks premature. She had been informed that the baby had a fatal foetal abnormality with its heart and would not survive. She was informed of her options. She decided that she would not have her baby killed. 4 weeks later the baby is thriving and now the "experts" tell her that by September the baby should strong enough that they will be able to perform surgery to repair the mitral valve. Lucky little girl to have such a courageous mother.
One of my close friends back home had her first baby a month ago, 4 weeks premature. She had been informed that the baby had a fatal foetal abnormality with its heart and would not survive. She was informed of her options. She decided that she would not have her baby killed. 4 weeks later the baby is thriving and now the "experts" tell her that by September the baby should strong enough that they will be able to perform surgery to repair the mitral valve. Lucky little girl to have such a courageous mother.

If she was told that she should report to the medical counsel.

It would be extremely negligent for any professional to tell her that.

Generally a consultant will advise that the abnormality may be fatal, and the baby may not survive, but not that it is and they won't.

Great news for your friend though.
If she was told that she should report to the medical counsel.

It would be extremely negligent for any professional to tell her that.

Generally a consultant will advise that the abnormality may be fatal, and the baby may not survive, but not that it is and they won't.

Great news for your friend though.

Waste of time, the Docs will have given the prognosis that in their opinion the baby would not survive.
Harris must be proud of his tenure as he oversaw the culling of 6,666 potential future Irish citizens and also through his ignorance the massive cull of our older citizens in the care homes.
Harris must be proud of his tenure as he oversaw the culling of 6,666 potential future Irish citizens and also through his ignorance the massive cull of our older citizens in the care homes.

You seem to forget that the pro abortion brigade are the "caring" people. By contrast, people like you and Liathroid Beag are hard-nosed, right wing, unfeeling, etc. And probably intellectually inferior also. And, Heaven forbid, may even be a practicing Christian.

You have to give the liberal controlled media credit: 20 or 30 years ago, the vast majority of people in this country would have been aghast at the thought of the legal killing of the unborn. They reversed that in a relatively short time.
You seem to forget that the pro abortion brigade are the "caring" people. By contrast, people like you and Liathroid Beag are hard-nosed, right wing, unfeeling, etc. And probably intellectually inferior also. And, Heaven forbid, may even be a practicing Christian.

You have to give the liberal controlled media credit: 20 or 30 years ago, the vast majority of people in this country would have been aghast at the thought of the legal killing of the unborn. They reversed that in a relatively short time.

You don't have to be religious to find the loss of 6666 lives disgusting.
One of my close friends back home had her first baby a month ago, 4 weeks premature. She had been informed that the baby had a fatal foetal abnormality with its heart and would not survive. She was informed of her options. She decided that she would not have her baby killed. 4 weeks later the baby is thriving and now the "experts" tell her that by September the baby should strong enough that they will be able to perform surgery to repair the mitral valve. Lucky little girl to have such a courageous mother.

God bless her strength and courage, a friend of mine had same experience with medical experts telling her that aborting was the most logical thing to do, now child is 2 and thriving.

It’s sad that these so called professionals choose murder over life.
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