
Read a report today saying autism rates among school children in NI has quadrupled in the last decade, id imagine that is replicated down here, Is it a case of autism numbers were always this high but many kids were just written off as been disruptive, unruly, hyper etc? I have certainly heard more cases of non verbal kids here in recent years.
There's a person I know who I reckon is on the spectrum, it's funny how this only occurred to me recently.

Likewise with ADHD funnily enough.
My son is on the spectrum.
The supports and staffing and diagnosis and therapeutic practitioners is woefully inadequate unless you can pay privately and even then its crazy.
This government have a woeful record on implementating supports for people with disabilities.

And people with mental health problems

And the health service in general.

And homeless people

Vote FG OR FF.? I'd rather eat my own vomit.
Our 12 year old has ASD , has refused to go to school since end of feb. camhs wont see him, we got GP to send referral to a private clinic the Dean in blackrock,
9 month minimum waiting list,
Our 12 year old has ASD , has refused to go to school since end of feb. camhs wont see him, we got GP to send referral to a private clinic the Dean in blackrock,
9 month minimum waiting list,
That's terrible Jimmy m8.

That doesn't happen by accident either. It's choices we make when we vote for parties that bullshit us that we can have Scandinavian levels of social justice on Irish levels of taxation

We can't and never will.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
The Rock Bar, Gillabbey St.

26th Mar 2025 @ 9:30 pm
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Elinor O’Donovan: Winter Sun

Triskel Arts Centre, Tomorrow @ 7pm

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