81 prisoners executed in Saudi Arabia

This thread is just another attempt at whataboutery to deflect from Russian aggression through deflection by an obvious Russian apologist.
What the fuck party tied to a paramilitary wing in the shadows do I campaign for you dispicable cunt.
When have I besmirched rape victims who talk against 'my' party?
When have I made excuses by blaming other countries for Russian aggression
Shout down? You bet your Goebbels ass.
No way are you going to allowed to spread your propaganda like slurry unchallenged you creep
Not really we already have a thread dealing with Russian invasion of Ukraine, if you want to give out about that invasion than by all means go ahead.

This thread is about another regime that's in the news for all the wrong reasons and they are getting called out for it.
This thread is just another attempt at whataboutery to deflect from Russian aggression through deflection by an obvious Russian apologist.
What the fuck party tied to a paramilitary wing in the shadows do I campaign for you dispicable cunt.
When have I besmirched rape victims who talk against 'my' party?
When have I made excuses by blaming other countries for Russian aggression
Shout down? You bet your Goebbels ass.
No way are you going to allowed to spread your propaganda like slurry unchallenged you creep

Your lack of self-awareness and your complete self-delusion has reached astounding levels.

Point number 1 that you should at least try to comprehend is that this thread was set up, not as whataboutery, nor to deflect from Russian Agression but as a "lightning rod" to actually divert talk about the utterly repressive regime in SA away from the thread about Russian Agression.

Point number 2, which again you'll likely struggle with, is there's nobody here a Russian apologist. Everyone here has utterly condemned Russia for it's being a bast@rd invading Ukrine. But in your binary mind, if you don't like someone's Irish domestic politics, and you're in favour of something, then in your feeble mind, they are de facto against it. Even when the Ukrainian Embassy is thanking MLMD for her anti-Russian agression stance, that doesn't compute in your tiny mind so you go back to imagining that SF are pro-Russia in this conflict, even when they very patently are not

Point 3 It's easy to see you're losing when you're grasping at straws throwing mud about something from years ago which was admitted as a mistake imediately and appologised for many multiple times since. But of course it's only the point scoring aspect of that case that you seem to care about. You don't care much about rape victims in general given that you only ever seem to post about one in particular.

Point 4 If you can't understand when people are decrying Russian agression in all of this then I'm afraid what I, or indeed experts on world geopolitics have to say about it won't convince you because in your tiny mind you're ALWAYS right, even when you're wrong.

Goebbels - that's it, be pathetic in that as well you pity.

The creep is you who seems to have some weird fixation seeing "whataboutery" when there clearly is none. This, in case your puppeteer hasn't told you yet, is a thread about Saudi Arabian violent repression of its people. There is absolutely no link between Saudi Arabian repressive regime and Sinn Fein - no matter how much you wish there was in order to try have another rant. There of course is another party here that is quite happy to pose with that extremely repressive government 🤫
Your lack of self-awareness and your complete self-delusion has reached astounding levels.

Point number 1 that you should at least try to comprehend is that this thread was set up, not as whataboutery, nor to deflect from Russian Agression but as a "lightning rod" to actually divert talk about the utterly repressive regime in SA away from the thread about Russian Agression.

Point number 2, which again you'll likely struggle with, is there's nobody here a Russian apologist. Everyone here has utterly condemned Russia for it's being a bast@rd invading Ukrine. But in your binary mind, if you don't like someone's Irish domestic politics, and you're in favour of something, then in your feeble mind, they are de facto against it. Even when the Ukrainian Embassy is thanking MLMD for her anti-Russian agression stance, that doesn't compute in your tiny mind so you go back to imagining that SF are pro-Russia in this conflict, even when they very patently are not

Point 3 It's easy to see you're losing when you're grasping at straws throwing mud about something from years ago which was admitted as a mistake imediately and appologised for many multiple times since. But of course it's only the point scoring aspect of that case that you seem to care about. You don't care much about rape victims in general given that you only ever seem to post about one in particular.

Point 4 If you can't understand when people are decrying Russian agression in all of this then I'm afraid what I, or indeed experts on world geopolitics have to say about it won't convince you because in your tiny mind you're ALWAYS right, even when you're wrong.

Goebbels - that's it, be pathetic in that as well you pity.

The creep is you who seems to have some weird fixation seeing "whataboutery" when there clearly is none. This, in case your puppeteer hasn't told you yet, is a thread about Saudi Arabian violent repression of its people. There is absolutely no link between Saudi Arabian repressive regime and Sinn Fein - no matter how much you wish there was in order to try have another rant. There of course is another party here that is quite happy to pose with that extremely repressive government 🤫
You would think the sun shines out through Scum Mans hole.

Meanwhile he supports a political organisation that is the mouth piece of a terrorist organisation

Scummy just know your place please before you dare and criticise anyone else.

What your terrorist organisation did to people, Gardai and offical Irish Army members in this very state would make the types that this very thread is about, stop and admire your IRA.
Your lack of self-awareness and your complete self-delusion has reached astounding levels.
Point number 1 that you should at least try to comprehend is that this thread was set up, not as whataboutery, nor to deflect from Russian Agression but as a "lightning rod" to actually divert talk about the utterly repressive regime in SA away from the thread about Russian Agression.

Point number 2, which again you'll likely struggle with, Everyone here has utterly condemned Russia for it's being a bast@rd invading Ukrine. But in your binary mind, if you don't like someone's Irish domestic politics, and you're in favour of something, then in your feeble mind, they are de facto against it. Even when the Ukrainian Embassy is thanking MLMD for her anti-Russian agression stance, that doesn't compute in your tiny mind so you go back to imagining that SF are pro-Russia in this conflict, even when they very patently are not
Point 3 It's easy to see you're losing when you're grasping at straws throwing mud about something from years ago which was admitted as a mistake imediately and appologised for many multiple times since. But of course it's only the point scoring aspect of that case that you seem to care about. You don't care much about rape victims in general given that you only ever seem to post about one in particular.
Point 4 If you can't understand when people are decrying Russian agression in all of this then I'm afraid what I, or indeed experts on world geopolitics have to say about it won't convince you because in your tiny mind you're ALWAYS right, even when you're wrong.

Goebbels - that's it, be pathetic in that as well you pity.

The creep is you who seems to have some weird fixation seeing "whataboutery" when there clearly is none. This, in case your puppeteer hasn't told you yet, is a thread about Saudi Arabian violent repression of its people. There is absolutely no link between Saudi Arabian repressive regime and Sinn Fein - no matter how much you wish there was in order to try have another rant. There of course is another party here that is quite happy to pose with that extremely repressive government 🤫

Point one: this thread is a lightening rod?
Point 2 a Of course they are.
Silkbeard started this thread to deflect from Russian aggression with a classic bit of whataboutery straight from the Russian playbook.

Point 2b
Sinn Fein are on record for being pro Russian.
At least they were before they started deleting all the evidence 😅

Point 3. You libelled a rape victim in the defence of your party and when it back fired badly on you you back stepped pretty quick.
Why? Because you could have been charged for it you horrible cunt. That's the only reason you and your fellow bread balancers retract anything.
I don't care about rape victims because I don't post about them on here? You know fuck all about me m8 but I know a horrible cunt when I meet one.
Point 4.
This was all caused by the Yanks and NATO according to you and the Russian mouthpiece on here. Which of course happens to be the exact line Putin controlled Russian media is spreading
Not of course by Russia invading deep into sovereign Ukraine and bombing the shit out of its citizens.

No link between Captain Silkbeard the Russian apologist making a thread about yank backed Saudi atrocitices so as to counter balance Russian atrocities?
My puppeteer? Who would that be exactly m8?
I love the way you in classic whataboutery love to accuse others of your own vices.
Everybody who is against SF is a shill, everyone who finds your posts deplorable is under control of a puppeteer.
All when you are clearly a propagandist for SF.
A blind man could see it.

Imagine someone pays this horrible cunt to write this horseshit!
Point one: this thread is a lightening rod?
Point 2 a Of course they are.
Silkbeard started this thread to deflect from Russian aggression with a classic bit of whataboutery straight from the Russian playbook.

Point 2b
Sinn Fein are on record for being pro Russian.
At least they were before they started deleting all the evidence 😅

Point 3. You libelled a rape victim in the defence of your party and when it back fired badly on you you back stepped pretty quick.
Why? Because you could have been charged for it you horrible cunt. That's the only reason you and your fellow bread balancers retract anything.
I don't care about rape victims because I don't post about them on here? You know fuck all about me m8 but I know a horrible cunt when I meet one.
Point 4.
This was all caused by the Yanks and NATO according to you and the Russian mouthpiece on here. Not of course by Russia invading deep into sovereign Ukraine and bombing the shit out of its citizens.

No link between Captain Silkbeard the Russian apologist making a thread about yank backed Saudi atrocitices so as to counter balance Russian atrocities?
My puppeteer? Who would that be exactly m8?
I love the way you in classic whataboutery love to accuse others of your own vices.
Everybody who is against SF is a shill, everyone who finds your posts deplorable is under control of a puppeteer.
All when you are clearly a propagandist for SF.
A blind man could see it.

Imagine someone pays this horrible cunt to write this horseshit!

Two points, firstly I did not start this thread to deflect from Russian aggression you still have the other thread that serves that purpose this is for the very legitimate human rights abuses going on in Saudi Arabia, I did not invent the news, a truely shocking display of murder was perpetrated in Saudi Arabia and it deserves media attention.

Secondly Sinn Féin is a pro neutral party and lets make this clear since the good friday agreement SF has been an integral part of Irish politics. Attempts are being made to malign SF saying they are pro IRA and pro Russian when both FF and FG in the early part of the last century were involved in far right and far left politics. FF at one stage was the anti treatyite party.
Two points, firstly I did not start this thread to deflect from Russian aggression you still have the other thread that serves that purpose this is for the very legitimate human rights abuses going on in Saudi Arabia, I did not invent the news, a truely shocking display of murder was perpetrated in Saudi Arabia and it deserves media attention.

Secondly Sinn Féin is a pro neutral party and lets make this clear since the good friday agreement SF has been an integral part of Irish politics. Attempts are being made to malign SF saying they are pro IRA and pro Russian when both FF and FG in the early part of the last century were involved in far right and far left politics. FF at one stage was the anti treatyite party.
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