2022 Premier Senior Hurling

Woke up this morning on a strangers couch, no idea where i was head pounding. my throat as dry as sandpaper,
The sitting room door opens this woman looks in and screams, she runs back upnstairs and i hear her shout to the husband...theres a fella on the couch,
Next i hear red and blues voice..thats jimmy i brought him back this morning, put on a couple of fries there love,
she peplied...what did your last slave die of,? I got dressed and red and blue came in and said come on kid we are meeting
bluesball in the welcome inn,
could be a long week.
jim, the missus just rang me in work, she said get up off her couch and go home man, you’re like a hobo the state of ya

Moks at 12? 🤣
Great stuff JimmY, and congrats to all of the Barrs fans on here

I'm delighted myself, my grandad was a serious Barrs man so I'd have gone to see every Barrs match with him for years. He isn't here to have enjoyed yesterday unfortunately, had he been alive I'd definitely have been home to bring him to the Paric and enjoy it. Great day for the club, great to see city hurling making a comeback.. they were great days when it was strong and hopefully that can be recaptured now
Lovely to hear the connection honky, no doubt he was smiling down on us yesterday
Great stuff JimmY, and congrats to all of the Barrs fans on here

I'm delighted myself, my grandad was a serious Barrs man so I'd have gone to see every Barrs match with him for years. He isn't here to have enjoyed yesterday unfortunately, had he been alive I'd definitely have been home to bring him to the Paric and enjoy it. Great day for the club, great to see city hurling making a comeback.. they were great days when it was strong and hopefully that can be recaptured now
id say so many thought of parents, grandparents, friends no longer with us at the final whistle yesterday,
It felt very special down at the Pairc yesterday. Funnily, I felt the conditions added to the occasion, as opposed to detracted from it. It made the game a battle, a case of who wanted it more. Barrs were like hungry dogs. Like the old days, both teams had to work for every single score. No lobbing the ball over the bar from 80 yards in acres of space, repeatedly.
It definitely 'feels' like the dawning of a new era for Cork hurling. Whatever about the Cork hurlers, the Cork Senior hurling championship is a special competition and having these traditional teams back competing is fantastic.
Felt very proud to be a Corkman yesterday.
Congrats to the Barrs. A truly great club. And commiserations to the Rockies. Ye'll be back.
Enjoy the celebrations Barrs lads.
Woke up this morning on a strangers couch, no idea where i was head pounding. my throat as dry as sandpaper,
The sitting room door opens this woman looks in and screams, she runs back upnstairs and i hear her shout to the husband...theres a fella on the couch,
Next i hear red and blues voice..thats jimmy i brought him back this morning, put on a couple of fries there love,
she peplied...what did your last slave die of,? I got dressed and red and blue came in and said come on kid we are meeting
bluesball in the welcome inn,
could be a long week.
Are you and R&B taking today off work to go 🍻🍻 then Jim?
Lovely to hear the connection honky, no doubt he was smiling down on us yesterday
He'd have been in tears had he been there R+B, these things matter as well you know. We went to the Pairc every single week no matter who was playing, but when the Barrs hurled he was like a man possessed :) I'd have seen them play as much as any clubman from the late 80s to the late 90's in both codes

Delighted for ya fella, enjoy the celebrations 👍
The group of death this yr really had it all, Sars the favorites didn’t come out of the group. Black rock stuttered at times & got to final. Charleville put in some great performances and worthy senior team who took a point off the Barrs. Barrs without doubt the best team in Cork and fully deserving county champions. Just proves a hard group is no harm cos if you want to win it then u must beat em All .
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