2022 Premier Intermediate football

Would be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely buzzing for the final between bantry and kanturk….. kanturk huge favourites and well deserved but they’ve nothing won yet and one would have to have doubts with some of managements decision making. Paul Walsh seems undroppable and yet Cian Clernon can’t get a look in at the 15 despite his displays all year….. wonder is Clernons affinity for the high stool inside in the OC bar keeping him on the bench?
Would be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely buzzing for the final between bantry and kanturk….. kanturk huge favourites and well deserved but they’ve nothing won yet and one would have to have doubts with some of managements decision making. Paul Walsh seems undroppable and yet Cian Clernon can’t get a look in at the 15 despite his displays all year….. wonder is Clernons affinity for the high stool inside in the OC bar keeping him on the bench?

Not even a good troll, you are some pity of a poster. That's your third post using a particular alt, just wondering do you have a problem with drink yourself? Is it hard to make your dole stretch for a few pints?


Heard today from reliable Kanturk man that Daniel ó Connell has done his second cruciate. Sickening for the poor lad. Also Ryan Walsh is out for the weekend.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
The Corner House, Coburg St.

21st Aug 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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The Pav, Today @ 12am

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