Being Fired.. And how to deal with it.

Been fired about 20 times mostly when younger from shit menial jobs i hated anyway. Got fired from a soul destroying call center job in Canada about 10 years ago. Applied for the dole thinking it was the same as Ireland. Its different over there. You get more or less the same money as you were making in the job for a set amount of time depending on how long you were in the job.

I got 8 months in my case. It was bliss. Netflix, beer, Playstation and chill for 8 months while the checks kept coming in every 2 weeks.
Sounds good Derek.
Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St.

10th May 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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The Cripple of Inishmaan

Cork Opera House, Tomorrow @ 8pm

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