Being Fired.. And how to deal with it.

It is what it is?

If you had the time again. What would you say.
As being a recent victim of this, not much you can say.

It's not like anything you can think of to say is going to change their minds, is it?

Plus, while you could abuse them and tell what you really think, it could seriously affect future job prospects.

Just a bunch of pricks, that's all. More so when totally unexpected and out of the blue.

As being a recent victim of this, not much you can say.

It's not like anything you can think of to say is going to change their minds, is it?

Plus, while you could abuse them and tell what you really think, it could seriously affect future job prospects.

Just a bunch of pricks, that's all. More so when totally unexpected and out of the blue.

You are too good for them, onwards and upwards.
When I was working in a trade being fired was like a right of passage.

Don't bother getting into an argument or having the last word. Offer a firm handshake, tell them you want everything in writing ASAP, then off out the gap.

I've never been fired from a job I liked or wanted to stay in.

Good advice.

Thank you.
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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