2022 Intermediate A football

Based on results, Boherbue should be beating Aghabullogue. Kildorrery would be considered relegation candidates so can't really base much on today's result. Boherbue's run has been much more impressive. Aghabullogue are tough but Boher should have too much football for them I would be thinking.

Mitchelstown and Kilshannig is the game we were all hoping for in this grade. Mitchelstown looked like world beaters earlier on in this championship but they can be flaky at times and if Keane is out, you'd give Kilshannig a right good chance. Kilshannig seemed to have struggled all year but as already mentioned, they are still in it and are beginning to find form.

It looks like they have everyone back now, with both O' Hanlons, Conor McMahon, Colm O' Shea and Tom Cunningham all back. Cunningham had a great game yesterday at corner forward. Killian O Hanlon had a good 2nd half too with some great scores. A word on Dave Pyne for Glanworth, he was superb yesterday.
Dave Pyne was the best player on the pitch yesterday. An awesome performance.
Kilshannig boherbue final for me
I agree, Aghabullogue we’re second best for most of the game against a wrote off Kildorrery side and we will be blown away by the other 3 teams if they perform like that again. Matthew Bradley their star man in last 2 years didn’t start and when he came on he seemed disinterested. Not convinced by Mitchelstown either, I don’t think they have to bottle, an unsettled camp ever since the hurling momentum took over.
Keane discipline meeting tonight,will be cleared by all accounts,video of incident
Yeah by all accounts coming from mtown, there not happy he was sent off in the first place. They believe it’s his reputation that got him sent off. There very confident he will win the appeal with video evidence
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