The Green Party - how will their policies affect folk

Other airports seem to manage to upgrade their facilities without having to shut down for 10 weeks at a time. And many of them are far far busier airports than Cork is. But hey, Dublin Airport is only just up the road so no worries eh?

Every project is bespoke and specific.

Comparing somewhere in the middle east with petro-dollar budgets, slave labour and no workers rights is just nonsense.

You are just determined to be outraged.
We have 1 major runway most other airports have more than one.

Was there no option to expand the other one in previous years so as not to have to shut down the airport for 10 weeks for the foreseeable necessary maintenance?

And even in the other airports that have only one major runway do they all shut for a number of months or are any worked on at night?

What's the largest airplane that can land/take off from the secondary runway? Can business flights be run on that? Recent business visitor here told me his flight was less than half full landing in Cork from London. Though he was full in his praise for the Irish App VeriFly which took all his documentation and gave a green tick. Was able to go to walk straight on to the Aer Lingus flight, no queue. And showed it again at Immigration and again got waived through.
Was there no option to expand the other one in previous years so as not to have to shut down the airport for 10 weeks for the foreseeable necessary maintenance?

And even in the other airports that have only one major runway do they all shut for a number of months or are any worked on at night?

What's the largest airplane that can land/take off from the secondary runway? Can business flights be run on that? Recent business visitor here told me his flight was less than half full landing in Cork from London. Though he was full in his praise for the Irish App VeriFly which took all his documentation and gave a green tick. Was able to go to walk straight on to the Aer Lingus flight, no queue. And showed it again at Immigration and again got waived through.

You are well fitted for the terrorist organisation you follow that is for sure, you are clueless and all you are doing is making noise, but I will try regardless

Runways are constructed to reflect the prevailing winds at the airfield, I use the word field because when it is that, it is not an airport yet, as it is still under construction.

Above in Cork we have 16/34 which is the main one that is being reconstructed and there is 07/24.

The latter runway can handle small planes up to the size of the ATR's that Stobart used to operate

However, this is the big thing here, on any given day and even during a day, the direction of the wind changes.

So Soundy a small plane is on the way in and the wind is now blowing in a direction that makes it safest for it to land on 16/34, if that is closed as per your idea, then that plane is off to another airport.
The company that operate that flight now have to pay for transport for the passengers on that flight and those that are going to return on that flight to wherever it came from, from the alternative airport.

Also bare in mind 07/ 24 and 16/ 34 intersect, so that rules out using 07/24 also. That then brings in the safety side of things and we all know what aviation is like on that subject

With regard to your suggestion of extending 07/24, well on the Eastern Side there is the Kinsale Road just beyond the roundabout and on the other side there is another road with one off housing on one side of it.

Whilst technically it is possible, financially it is not because of the prevailing wind direction which favours 16/34.
You are well fitted for the terrorist organisation you follow that is for sure, you are clueless and all you are doing is making noise, but I will try regardless

Runways are constructed to reflect the prevailing winds at the airfield, I use the word field because when it is that, it is not an airport yet, as it is still under construction.

Above in Cork we have 16/34 which is the main one that is being reconstructed and there is 07/24.

The latter runway can handle small planes up to the size of the ATR's that Stobart used to operate

However, this is the big thing here, on any given day and even during a day, the direction of the wind changes.

So Soundy a small plane is on the way in and the wind is now blowing in a direction that makes it safest for it to land on 16/34, if that is closed as per your idea, then that plane is off to another airport.
The company that operate that flight now have to pay for transport for the passengers on that flight and those that are going to return on that flight to wherever it came from, from the alternative airport.

Also bare in mind 07/ 24 and 16/ 34 intersect, so that rules out using 07/24 also. That then brings in the safety side of things and we all know what aviation is like on that subject

With regard to your suggestion of extending 07/24, well on the Eastern Side there is the Kinsale Road just beyond the roundabout and on the other side there is another road with one off housing on one side of it.

Whilst technically it is possible, financially it is not because of the prevailing wind direction which favours 16/34.

Dear sweet baby jebus - you really ARE that thick.

Yes we all know there are two strips one roughly perpendicular to the other in order to deal with the winds which of course change.

The question asked was why over the years was the secondary (minor) strip not built up so as to be able to cater for bigger planes (not the biggest but at least have some viable flights) while the main runway was put completely out of action for a full 10 weeks?
Doesn't need to stretch all the way out to the houses (and I think there's a stream on the wester fringe too) or the roundabout but it could be widened as well as extended a bit.

If the secondary strip is functional for use in landing and taking of when winds aren't favourable for the main strip, then surely it can be used a lot of the time as a back up rather than pulling the plug on flights in and out of the Airport.

And will this 10 week shut down be a feature of Cork Airport every decade or so on future upgrades or will they actually be better prepared in the future?
I think as Stacky mentioned you should really get onto them.

Teach them a thing or two about aviation because you know it all

I give up, I have given you technical facts but my mistake there obviously, thinking they would be understood by a normal mind.
I think as Stacky mentioned you should really get onto them.

Teach them a thing or two about aviation because you know it all

I give up, I have given you technical facts but my mistake there obviously, thinking they would be understood by a normal mind.

He will just ignore all the facts and data while at the same time calling you "thick" as he is hopelessly out of his depth and prefers simplistic answers to complex problems.

"It's all Dubalinns fawlt"................

Start a thread on a border poll or something to keep him busy?
Stand-up Comedy Club: Low-key Funny
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