The confession thread.

Read above. Drunk and seduced

Oh YOU were drunk and seduced. She should have asked for your consent but you couldn't have given it anyway as you were drunk. 😔

Strange activity for an 18 year old virgin GBOS, unless that gurning face isn't really you and you're somewhat of an Adonis and/or she was a really desperate wan.

Reminds me of a tale related to me by a guy I knew growing up, Kev might have known him though I'm not sure, anyways, my neighbour gets back to yerwan's house and they progress from "heavy petting" to getting down to business when yourwan pauses and says "I want to do this but please be careful as I'm a virgin". Yer man was delighted and carried on. About a year later, different disco, same wan, same back to hers, and yer man had a mixture of surprise and disappointment when yer wan came out again with the "please take it easy on me as I'm a virgin" :cool:
Linda Fredriksson Juniper
Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St.

14th Jun 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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