Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

From some days back This was in the public arena -even the Russians could read How much did American intelligence know

."Uk and US residents have been told not to travel to Russia amid a warning that a terror attack was planned for the country’s capital.

The US embassy in Russia warned that “extremists” had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow, hours after Russian security services said they had foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue by a cell from the Afghan arm of Islamic State.

The embassy, which has repeatedly urged all US citizens to leave Russia immediately, gave no further details about the nature of the threat, but said people should avoid concerts and crowds and be aware of their surroundings."
It doesn't matter what Putin wants or says. Russian talking points will have to be considered at the negotiating table and Putin will have to compromise too. That's how wars end.

The unfortunate thing it that that compromise probably isn't going to be as good for Ukraine now as it would have been before a country was decimated and hundreds of thousands of lives were lost. Even on a message board like this it's hard to say that loss of live was worth it for no gain.

Answer me how you see this ending. Russia defeated on their own door step? Do they just accept quietly accept that defeat? Any timeline?
Whatever else happens, a deal will succeed or not on whether Ukraine can join NATO. Because if Ukraine doesn’t join NATO, then it would only be a matter of time before Putin returns with another army. Everyone knows this.

Including you.
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Think of how useless police generally are. Now multiply that by russian incompetence and you have a one hour response time to a large terrorist attack that you've been warned about and the shooters getting away in a car.

Russian police are only good at repression. They can't do actual police work.
No doubt they'll round up a few random Chechens and say job done.

They can't blame the US for this as that would require a response that would end up Mordor turning into glass about 25 seconds afterwards.
Think of how useless police generally are. Now multiply that by russian incompetence and you have a one hour response time to a large terrorist attack that you've been warned about and the shooters getting away in a car.

Russian police are only good at repression. They can't do actual police work.
No doubt they'll round up a few random Chechens and say job done.

They can't blame the US for this as that would require a response that would end up Mordor turning into glass about 25 seconds afterwards.

Great lads for arresting someone saying 'no war' and not much else.
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