Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

I've noticed an uptick in anti-Macron activity online and on social media over the last week or two, mainly focused on his relationship with his wife, since he became more robust in his criticism of Putin and the Russian invasion.
And so it begins, France is to send troops to Ukraine, the first NATO country to officially send troops over there. France & Russia are both UN security council permanent members and have nuclear weapons. Shit is about to hit the fan.
According to the Russian intelligence service so it must be true:rolleyes: the French must be teaching the Ukrainians to surrender:rolleyes::rolleyes: Do not insult our intelligence by expecting us to give credence to that drivel .
God lads, is it all worth it. Obviously 2 schools of thought on this thread. It's all Russia unprovoked aggressor or Russia has been backed in to a corner by NATO expansion and US meddling in Ukraine.

Leaving our who is right and wrong here because, no point in rehashing that debate, but with hundreds of thousands dead how we should surely be asking how do we stop the slaughter.

These are real people, imagine for a second your son or daughters were killed in the conflict, the impact that would have on your life of losing a child. Or if they were missing limbs or injured to a point were they couldn't live an active life. This is happening to 100's of thousands in Ukraine (and indeed in Gaza). People seem to follow far away wars like sports - I hope our team is winning sort of mentality, so far from the horrors of what war must be like.

I wonder what would the US do if they were losing a war that the Russians were openly funding? Would they go nuclear if it came to a point when the US was about to fall. Very likely. Will Russia do the same if this war goes against them, again, very likely, so where is the end game?

Talking eventually after millions have been killed? or World War 3? Is there an alternative ending?
Leaving our who is right and wrong here because, no point in rehashing that debate, but with hundreds of thousands dead how we should surely be asking how do we stop the slaughter.

I wonder what would the US do if they were losing a war that the Russians were openly funding?
It is kinda wrong to invade sovereign states and start slaughtering people.

Have you even heard of the Vietnam war?
Yes, we must accept the reality in the US - The MAGA movement may be here to stay and you cannot rely on the US to prop up NATO any longer.
We need to beef up our nuclear deterrent and our defending on defence. I'm using the broad 'we' because we do absolutely nothing as a neutral state. We must join NATO and step up to the plate.

France (belatedly) and UK are aware that Putin will not stop and must be defeated. Credit to the Czech Rep for sourcing close to 1M artillery shells and also to Greece for stepping up to the plate.

I'm very concerned that Ru use of glide bombs are having a devastating impact on Ua defenders and it cannot afford a high casualty rate.

Ru seems to have no problem recruiting cannon fodder from the poorer regions by paying very high wages but Ua cannot replace its casualties.
When they had the Russians on the run from Kharkhiv that was the time to hit them with long range ATACMS, take out the Kerch Bridge completely cut the legs from under Putin. Public would have turned on him quickly, now he can sell his small gains as big wins to a brain washed public.

What is really perplexing is that Biden needed this done over in 2023 but now even the minuscule defense budget spend on Ukraine is a big stick for the equally brainwashed in USA.

As for Macron I will believe it when I see it, talk is cheap..
When they had the Russians on the run from Kharkhiv that was the time to hit them with long range ATACMS, take out the Kerch Bridge completely cut the legs from under Putin. Public would have turned on him quickly, now he can sell his small gains as big wins to a brain washed public.

What is really perplexing is that Biden needed this done over in 2023 but now even the minuscule defense budget spend on Ukraine is a big stick for the equally brainwashed in USA.

As for Macron I will believe it when I see it, talk is cheap..

I am one of those thinking that the Western decision makers were shitting their pants then that russia can fall into pieces...
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