Immigration Thread

Well, would you believe, up to 10 days ago they weren't even asking asylum seekers how they actually got to Ireland from Nigeria and other countries with no direct flights to Ireland?
That's how clueless and out of her depth McEntee is.
McEntee was asked last week why only 3 of 188 asylum seekers weren't returned to countries who said they'd take them back.
She didn't know.
It's farcical stuff.
Scary shit.. Only in Ireland huh..
Scary shit.. Only in Ireland huh..
She is so far out of her depth.
Surely asking people how they actually got to Ireland would be the first question you'd ask.
Harris and McEntee are both saying due to Covid restrictions AND a high court ruling it prevented them from sending asylum seekers back to the UK.
The high court ruling was only made 5 weeks ago and Covid restrictions ended in February 2022 so there was 2 years where they could have sent people back and didn't do it.
Wonder who got rich housing these asylum seekers the last 2 years?
Only the Paddies.
Absolutely clueless.
Government said they'd ask people turning up at the IPO how they got to Ireland if there were no direct flights❌.
Government said they'd finger print people at airports❌.
Government said, last August, people living in tents was a temporary measure ❌.
There was a 2 year period where the government could have sent people back from where they came from but did they? ❌
They have made an absolute balls of it.
There is now a tented village in our capital city.
Country is broken.
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