World Ghost Convention 2015

World Ghost Convention

Friday, October 30th @ 8pm

Cork City Gaol
Sunday’s Well, Cork City, Ireland.

To be Officially Opened by the
Lord Mayor of Cork
Cllr. Chris O'Leary

Admission: €20
(Includes Refreshments)

Limited Tickets Available

Tickets available @ Pro Musica
20 Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork, Ireland. Tel: (021) 4271659

The magnificent 19th century Cork City Gaol is a splendid atmospheric
setting for the 15th World Ghost Convention as it has its own
resident ghosts which have been seen by members of the audience
and speakers since the first Ghost Convention was established in 2001.

Reported sightings of ghosts and spirits are only the tip of the iceberg as many
people are afraid, ashamed, and embarrassed to come forward for fear
or not being taken seriously. For this reason, the World Ghost Convention was
established to help those who have had supernatural experiences by raising public
awareness, highlighting the fact that they are not alone in having such experiences.

This unique international Ghost Convention provides an ideal opportunity for the many
people fascinated with the supernatural to hear a colourful assortment of supernatural
topics discussed by a panel of guest speakers from different backgrounds and professions.
In addition, those who have experienced supernatural occurrences have the chance
to share their own personal supernatural experiences if they so wish as well as hear
first-hand the accounts of others who echo similar experiences.

The 15th World Ghost Convention Speakers are as follows:

Dr. Margaret Humphreys
Folklore & Ethnology Department, University College Cork

Do family pets possess a finely-tuned sixth sense which allows them paranormal
contact with their deceased owners? Many people believe they do. In her lecture,
Dr. Humphreys will discuss a range of personal experience narratives and other
stories which support the viewpoint that pets do indeed have a psychic connection
with the spiritual world.

Jackie Clarke
Paranormal Investigator, Cork Supernatural Society

As a paranormal investigator Jackie researchers and investigates all claims of paranormal
activity. In her lecture, she will share her fascinating experiences and those of the Cork
Supernatural Society team on their exciting journey so far. She will also talk about
the locations as well as the evidence that has been gathered to date along with
past personal experiences which have led her to investigate haunted sites.

Vicky Antoinette
Psychic Medium / Healer / Complimentary Therapist
Angelic Realms Holistic Centre, Cork.

As a professional Psychic Medium & Healer, Vicky works daily with the Angels
and Spirit to help bring Healing and Guidance to people. Vicky's experiences with Spirit
began as child but as with many she ignored what she saw and felt. In her late twenties
she could no longer ignore what she was experiencing. Vicky will talk about some
of her experiences and how the Angelic Realms & Spirit world had different plans for
her life than she did, plans she is now very grateful for.

Complimentary light refreshments served

Teresa Collins
Psychic Medium / Reiki Master / Author

So where were you before you stepped into your body, before you were born,
where were you and who was with you? You lived with other people in other dimensions.
Not all those people took a physical body when you did. Some of these spirits
are with you now. They are influencing your life in inexplicable ways. Join Teresa
to find out how invisible ghosts are making tangible changes in your life.

Edwin Flavin
Shamanic Healer / Reiki Practitioner

In his talk, Edwin will get into his first ever experiences with spirit. He will explain his
journey of how he learned to channel his sensitivities to the energies to help people and
spirit heal holistically. Also, he will discuss how he heals the land and houses from spirit
lines and geopathic stress to bring back harmony and balance.

For further information visit:

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