what book you reading at the moment? (incl poll)

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Picked up "Say Nothing" by Patrick Radden-Keefe yesterday. I have heard good things about it.

I never read Radden-Keefe's book "Empire Of Pain" which came recommended to me because I have already read (and raved about to anyone who would listen) Sam Quinones' "Dreamland" and also Beth Macy's "Dopesick" (and saw the TV show) which cover the same subject/territory.

Say Nothing was a great read, the details of the killing of Jean McConville are laid out in all their horror and cruelty, no wonder the Shinners hate it and books like it which expose the sheer wickedness of their terror campaign.
Just finished Green Glowing Skull by Gavin Corbett.

Awful slog. didn't enjoy it at all. hard to describe, its a mad story of Exploding heads, underground srer societies and fairys, I've no doubt and people will like it but i thought it was shite.

Back on the horse with Wolves of Winter by Dan Jones. Its part two of a trilogy called Essex Dogs, Historical fiction set in the 100 years war.

Bunch of guys on a mission giving the frenchys what for. Great dialog and characters. The first one was great. this one is just as good.
Hank Wedel
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

13th Sep 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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