What Auld Night Clubs / Pubs did you go to

The 'original' Maltings opened onto the main road (Woods Street). I'm going back to the late 70's / early 80's here. The original entrance/doorway is still there . The bar was on the right hand side as you walk in , high stools at the bar and a man by the name of Eamonn O'Callaghan was the owner/manager. He had an all year round tan with slicked back grey hair and gold-rimmed glasses. Constantly smoked a cigar as well .

Ring board and dart board were on the left hand side wall facing the bar and the main seating was straight in from the front door along the facing wall. Most importantly for me at the time, they had a table-top Space Invaders cabinet. Many's the Sunday morning spent watching fellas who looked like Lemmy from Motorhead, resting their pints on the glass whilst playing it. Whilst the older men played Don.

Happy Days. We, (the children/teenagers of the dads what were drinking in there) would spend most of our time on the road outside. There was hardly ever a car passing. Home for dinner at the holy hour on the Sunday. Me dad used to bring me there after his GAA match on Sunday mornings .

The Millwheel was across the street from it, it had pool table(s) so attracted a younger crowd. Great memories,
It's the original I used to go to but used the entrance on Lynch's Street into the lounge. You described EOC to a Tee. Every now and again he'd go on the piss and lock us all in (voluntarily!). I think himself and glamourous wife used to spend time in Spain. Some great characters in the lounge including that John Lennon who backed Bernie for the council seat.
Any idea why Kearney thought he was a tough guy? He once offered me out down the side alley of Groby's (the tension had been building over several weeks of me having regular flange and being a jack the lad, cocky but harmless 19 year old). Just as we were both going down the alley for a scrap, a cop car came along and everyone dispersed.

As a trumpet blower, who has been doing Muay Thai since I was 13, I'm sure I could have handled the situation.
Always thought he had our (doormens ) backing

Tbh I think the absolute gowl was snorting
Any idea why Kearney thought he was a tough guy? He once offered me out down the side alley of Groby's (the tension had been building over several weeks of me having regular flange and being a jack the lad, cocky but harmless 19 year old). Just as we were both going down the alley for a scrap, a cop car came along and everyone dispersed.

As a trumpet blower, who has been doing Muay Thai since I was 13, I'm sure I could have handled the situation.
He's one of the most arrogant men I've ever met
Dennehy's Cross - fairly frequently (the lounge).

Crow's Nest - a handful of times

Western Star - a few handfuls of times.

The Millwheel - irregularly.

The Maltings "lounge" on Lynch's Street - far too many times

Swan & Cygnet - on a rare Saturday.

Pa Johnsons - rarely.

Flannerys - rarely.

The pub across from Cissie Youngs, can't remember the name at the time - occasionally.

A few others I might have been in only once. Haven't had a drink in a pub in over 10 years now.

I seem to have avoided the city center.

* forgot the Well on North Mall, before it became all Franciscan.
The Well.
Run by an arrogant Dublin family who could be nasty at times.
Dmode - Depeche Mode Experience
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

23rd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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