What are you listening to right now???

Listening to Neal the nobber ( Niall to norries) Load of waffle this morning about fuckin Shandon bells,’
Feck me twas drab listening,
Although mad John tbf to him gave Michael Collins and the blues shirts a bit of a tanking alright,
Fair fucks to him,
Ref Collins statue on the grand parade,
Should be a bigger one on pana of Gen Tom Barry At least he actually shot ppl in the WOI Unlike Collins who wouldn’t know how to cock a 303
Listening to Neal the nobber ( Niall to norries) Load of waffle this morning about fuckin Shandon bells,’
Feck me twas drab listening,
Although mad John tbf to him gave Michael Collins and the blues shirts a bit of a tanking alright,
Fair fucks to him,
Ref Collins statue on the grand parade,
Should be a bigger one on pana of Gen Tom Barry At least he actually shot ppl in the WOI Unlike Collins who wouldn’t know how to cock a 303

Alternative take on the thread title

“The radio” 👏

Jessica Lynn
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

15th Sep 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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