Tsunami heading for Hawaii

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake has struck off the west coast of Canada, prompting a tsunami warning to be issued for Hawaii.

The quake happened at just after 8pm local time about 96 miles (155km) south of Masset in the Haida Gwaii region, formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands.

A tsunami warning has now been issued for Hawaii with waves expected to hit there at 8.28am UK time. The Tsunami Warning Center said an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 people who live in Hawaii's coastal zones had been urged to move to higher ground.

Tremors were felt across a wide area in British Columbia, both on its Pacific islands and on the mainland.

Residents in parts of British Columbia were evacuated but the province seemed to escape the biggest quake in Canada since 1949 largely unscathed.

Stand-up Comedy Club: Earlier Show
The Roundy, Castle St.

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