"the soccer lads"

Ok, just back from a long journey from Dublin and just watched the game as it happened live on RTE.

What the FUCK is with this preoccupation with the GAA and the "soccer lads".

We had a great game but these sly digs characterized by the cringworthy statements from the RTÉ panel showed a sport that is totally insecure in its own skin.

As Anthony Nash said "as far as I'm concerned, the best sport in the world"....eh how can it be the if it's only played in Ireland?

Liam Sheedy made some snide comment about the Irish team and soccer like "when you see amateur fellas put up a performance like that it puts perspective on what we saw on Friday night in the Aviva"

1. Total disrespect to the lads that lost but did their utmost on Friday.
2 Gives no respect to Sweden for making us look so shit
3. Gives credence to a Cork side that were totally outplayed in a total mismatch of final in terms of population.
I noticed they kept refering to Soccer.

''They should have pumped it into the Corner like the Soccer lads''

''Look at the way the wall moved forward like the Soccer lads''

Then after some point in the game the commentator made some ''The Beautiful Game'' reference.

I also saw Nigel Owens in the crowd saying ''This Is Not Soccer''
*breaking news* minority sports supporters jealous of both Ireland and the world's most popular game

You'll see it a lot with rugby too

Everyone wants to compare things to the most popular game (internationally)

Anyway, despite a poor enough standard in the first half this was a great advertisement for hurling

Delighted with corks comeback

And a terrific occasion that highlights how great the gaa is still

That much is obvious

The superiority complex is a bit small time

Hope we can go one point better next time

Great day

PS. Nash will have some highlights reel from this championship incredible saves again

Cuts both ways lads, twitter was awash with 'soccer lads' talking about the grab all association' fixing another draw. The slip also gave the 2 cents of the rugby lads.

If anything I find 'soccer lads' pretty paranoid about the gaa in this country. Would be better off sorting out their own house.
If anything I find 'soccer lads' pretty paranoid about the gaa in this country. Would be better off sorting out their own house.

This is it in a nutshell.. and I say that having been to every home soccer international for about 18 years and being a city fan (although I cant get there anymore)

When the rugby is on its all their fault

When the GAA is on its their fault

The fact that most lads at an Irish match have absolutely no intention of ever setting foot in a LOI ground sums the problem up entirely, and when a celtic/liverpool meaningless friendly sells out quicker than a vital international qualifier you know you're fucked

Yesterday was a magnificent occasion on so many levels, thats all
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