The Official Man Utd Thread - Part 3.

Complete and utter bollocks m8.

When you include the likes of Doak and Thiago, who probably wouldn't play anyway, it's nonsense.

Utd have had 14 different pairings at Centre half this season. I dread to think what that number gets to if we're talking back 4s. Try and pretend you didn't cut Klopp some slack for that in 20/21, but we all know you did.

FFS, the last few games Utd have had a semi fit 95 year old and a midfielder playing at the back.

Not all injuries are created equal. But pretend if you must.

In 20/21 Liverpool had no fit centre backs from January-May.
VVD didn't play again after gameday 4.
Gomez didn't play again after mid November.
Matip was out from December 26th onwards.
The most used centre back pairing was Henderson and Fabinho.
The second most used was Philips and Williams.
Neither pairing had played together before that season and never started a game after that season.
Finished 3rd.
Were 3rd highest scorers.
Had a +26 gd.
Still made the CL quarters finals
Are currently 8th.
Are the lowest scorers in the top 10.
Have a - 4gd.
Were completely out of Europe before Christmas.
Have lost 14 league games.
Their worst since 89/90.
Right, so Doak's injury is as important as Martinez and Varane? We both know the answer to that Phil, lets not waste time.

Not sure why you are fixating on Doak's injury absence?

Did he serve you up a dodgy fried Mars back on a stag or something?

Yeah, he did. Guess what he also had on ETH. It was his 6th season in charge of the team that were League champions the season before, and European champions the one before that (been living off that a long time now, but that's another argument). Let me see how many points less he got than the previous season.<goes to check>

30 points less. Did Klopp become a buffoon or did injuries play a part? Btw, he also went from 33 points ahead of the much maligned Olly to 5 points behind him. #Genius

Well 99 points is a tough benchmark to hit season-on-season, plus the squad was cycling off bucketload of PEDs - so Jurgen did well considering.

Any anyway, points totals don't really matter anyway right? Either you win the league or you don't. Either you quality for the CL or you don't.

ETH took over a complete mess, and did okay last year. This year has been complete shite, but injuries have played a huge part in that. To pretend otherwise is churlish. I'd be extremely confident United would be competing with Villa for that 4th spot at least if Varane and Licha were fit. Even Licha and MAguire would see a vast improvement.

No, ETH is far from blameless. He should have shut up shop a long time ago and made the team hard to beat at least. He made a big error there. He may even pay for it with his job.

If it was up to me, I'd keep him and if it's goes badly again next season, sack hm, but then again, I wouldn't blame INEOS if they sacked him this summer either.

You've convinced me m8.

I'm firmly "ETH in" now on the INEOS "best in class" bangwagon.
Not sure why you are fixating on Doak's injury absence?
Did he serve you up a dodgy fried Mars back on a stag or something?
Well 99 points is a tough benchmark to hit season-on-season, plus the squad was cycling off bucketload of PEDs - so Jurgen did well considering.
Even if it was 89 points the previous season it would still have been a big drop off
Any anyway, points totals don't really matter anyway right? Either you win the league or you don't. Either you quality for the CL or you don't.
Funny you should mention that. I was only thinking of it this morning and it occurred to me that the strength of the league is probably the reverse of the way you have it.
Wouldn't it make more sense to say a league was more competitive if the gap between first to last was less not more?

I think it would. It used to be you'd need 40 points to stay up. Lol, this season Forest are safe with 29. Last season 35 would have you safe.

That's not a sign of a strong league and better league champions. It's a sign that the gap is getting too wide.
You've convinced me m8.
I'm firmly "ETH in" now on the INEOS "best in class" bangwagon.
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Funny you should mention that. I was only thinking of it this morning and it occurred to me that the strength of the league is probably the reverse of the way you have it.
Wouldn't it make more sense to say a league was more competitive if the gap between first to last was less not more?

I wasn't really commenting above about competitiveness of the league, as such. But here's my 2 cents

I don't think the gap between first and last is particularly important when it comes to competitiveness

IMHO the most important things for a big league in terms of competitiveness are:

1. To have genuine battles for the key outcomes (title winners. CL spots, EL spots, relegation/survival)
2. For there to be a reasonable degree of upwards / downwards mobility (e.g. Villa going from UEFA Conf League spot to a CL spot)
3. For there to be a reasonable degree of jeopardy that any side can beat any other side on a given weekend

Personally I don't think the PL, while entertaining, is super-competitive on the aspects above.

Yeah, that chart was the highest form of bullshit alright.

Ben D:lol!:ak.
Harry Maguire?
Jason Mount?

It's a farmers league if the title is won relatively early.

How competitive it is at the top is a mixture of how many games are left before it's won and how many title contenders you have up until a certain point.
I wasn't really commenting above about competitiveness of the league, as such. But here's my 2 cents

I don't think the gap between first and last is particularly important when it comes to competitiveness

IMHO the most important things for a big league in terms of competitiveness are:

1. To have genuine battles for the key outcomes (title winners. CL spots, EL spots, relegation/survival)
2. For there to be a reasonable degree of upwards / downwards mobility (e.g. Villa going from UEFA Conf League spot to a CL spot)
3. For there to be a reasonable degree of jeopardy that any side can beat any other side on a given weekend

Personally I don't think the PL, while entertaining, is super-competitive on the aspects above.
I need to consider this and then decide why you're wrong and I'm right ;)
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