The Official Man Utd Thread - Part 3.

Jesus lad. How many years later and a discussion on here can't go to half a page before you bring up the Suarez/Evra case.

AngryDanBot needs a reboot.

Lolzersz there havnt even been finalised bids and you are up on your moralistic soapbox.

If you're going to go all holier than thou then expect to have your years long pathetic defence of Suarez regularly brought up.

Give it a rest you boring bollocks...
You should see it is as your club, regardless of whoever happens to own it at any point in time. Owners come and go.

Why couldn't you support the players on the pitch without feeling like doing so means you need to ignore the misdeeds of the owners?

Really struggling to see why the above comment rattled you so much.

I'd imagine most match-going Man Utd fans probably feel similarly.
Oh now that I've done my bit and cleared my conscience, I expect Sheik Jizzim to bring M'bappe, Verrati, Camavinga, Recce James, and Bellingham at the very least this summer.

and a lifetime's supply of Pot noodle for Shaw.

If he does not, I'll condemn him again.


Good to see Chunkberto get red in Italy. He was looking a bit jaded in the last few games. He can have a rest before the trip up the road for the Gulf Derby Game.

This thread has improved 500% since I put that muppet on ignore. Just kicking myself I didn't do it weeks ago.
It's odds on that Qatar will buy Utd.

The Glazers grew commercial revenue and spent big on players (fees and wages) but they waited far too long to install the right club management. Woodward was the wrong guy.

Qatar has made a complete dogs dinner of PSG up to now but has probably learned the lesson the hard way.

Qatar spent $200 Bn in the world cup so 5 or 6 $bn on Utd is chicken feed.

They won't go crazy singing Galacticos again so it'll be just financing ETG for who he wants.
ETH prefers guys with character (Martinez, Cas & the Horse) so that's gonna be the first quality in the new signings.

Because he's got a lot of players that have no future at Utd - ETH will do a big clear out in the summer. I'd expect up to 6 guys being replaced.

I'd be very surprised if a vastly improved Utd wont challenge for the EPL next season
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