The Official IOTY 2024 Nominations Thread

If fair was fair:
1. Dogwide would be nominated for being Dan’s kissass.
2. Dan would be nominated for all sorts of things including getting sent to banhalla on about 5 different usernames and claiming for months that immigration was the number one election issue.
3. Thready would be nominated for saying he didn’t care who’d win the US Presidential election and then spending weeks after gloating that Trump won.

But fair is not fair however and this forum has a powerful clique.
I spoke too soon.



If fair was fair:
1. Dogwide would be nominated for being Dan’s kissass.
2. Dan would be nominated for all sorts of things including getting sent to banhalla on about 5 different usernames and claiming for months that immigration was the number one election issue.
3. Thready would be nominated for saying he didn’t care who’d win the US Presidential election and then spending weeks after gloating that Trump won.

But fair is not fair however and this forum has a powerful clique.

Seren Spain, Kris Mizzi, A.D.T.
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

7th Feb 2025 @ 7:00 pm
More info..

DJ Ian Richards

Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 11pm

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