The County Board Complaints Thread

Does Frank Need To Go

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Congrats to CCB for securing well needed finances that hopefully we help support our teams in winning All Irelands in the coming years.

Exactly, it's money for nothing tbh, who really cares if a stadium has naming rights . People will continue to call it the pairc no matter what names it says on your ticket to a game.
What an absolute load of bollox the reaction to this is. Martin's comment is the fucking icing on the cake, and mentioning the government funding is pathetic. They provided nearly 200 million to the IRFU for Lansdown Road. Remind we what we're supposed to call that place again?

Limerick can sell naming rights to TUS and not a peep, likewise in Wexford for Chadwick's and so many other examples around the country. Dublin can use Croke Park as a home ground and don't have to worry about ever putting themselves in anything like the financial troubles of Counties who need to provide their own stadiums at massive costs. Across the City Munster rename Musgrave Park for the second time in a few years and are admired for their commercial nous.

Keeping the original name and slapping a sponsors name next as some others have done is just a jumble and makes a joke of the original name.

Cork GAA have done plenty to draw criticism down the years. But this is a perfect example of when it's the GAA, and in particular Cork GAA, doing something there's nothing but rank hypocrisy from the media and great and good of the Country in their judgement. And naturally, it's driven on by the local media more than anyone else.

And don't get me started on the entitled prick of a grandson on twitter. How many grandchildren did the man have? Does Cork GAA have to put their commercial deals to a vote between them? It's beyond time Cork GAA started coming out with fairly blunt "go fuck yourselves" to those coming down on them on this and a few other things.
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The fucking state of Martin on this, the absolute audacity of this guy coming out with this bollix considering the events centre and the money given to every other stadium in the country that has renamed.
The bang of hypocrisy off some of the people giving out about this, as for the grandson, this is a republic kid not a fucking monarchy, your happenchance that you are related to the former county secretary carries the same weight as anyone else and certainly not more.
What an absolute load of bollox the reaction to this is. Martin's comment is the fucking icing on the cake, and mentioning the government funding is pathetic. They provided nearly 200 million to the IRFU for Lansdown Road. Remind we what we're supposed to call that place again?

Limerick can sell naming rights to TUS and not a peep, likewise in Wexford for Chadwick's and so many other examples around the country. Dublin can use Croke Park as a home ground and don't have to worry about ever putting themselves in anything like the financial troubles of Counties who need to provide their own stadiums at massive costs. Across the City Munster rename Musgrave Park for the second time in a few years and are admired for their commercial nous.

Keeping the original name and slapping a sponsors name next as some others have done is just a jumble and makes a joke of the original name.

Cork GAA have done plenty to draw criticism down the years. But this is a perfect example of when it's the GAA, and in particular Cork GAA, doing something there's nothing but rank hypocrisy from the media and great and good of the Country in their judgement. And naturally, it's driven on by the local media more than anyone else.

And don't get me started on the entitled prick of a grandson on twitter. How many grandchildren did the man have? Does Cork GAA have to put their commercial deals to a vote between them? It's beyond time Cork GAA started coming out with fairly blunt "go fuck yourselves" to those coming down on them on this and a few other things.
Yerra this is michael martin with the man of the people routine,
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