Smoke Machine On Connaught Avenue:

This Could Break The Internet: Neil & PJ Will Be Busy

SMOKE SHOCK Cork firemen alerted by Gardai discover recreated nightclub with large group of partygoers and smoke machine instead

FIREMEN who forced their way into a rented property after reports of a suspected blaze in the early hours found a large group of partygoers using a smoke machine to create nightclub atmosphere inside.

Gardai patrolling in the area spotted fumes coming from a house on Connacht Avenue near University College Cork shortly after midnight and alerted the city fire service

Windows at the dwelling had been blocked out with plastic bags and a large tarpaulin was covering the back of the property.

When firefighters wearing breathing apparatus broke through the front door, they found the smoke machine being used along with a large group of people.

It is understood that the property is being rented out to adults and did not contain students.

Residents near UCC, who have endured a summer of Covid house parties, expressed disgust over the incident.

Catherine Clancy, of the Magazine Road Residents Association (MRRA) said urgent legislation is needed to make landlords accountable.

She said: “The fire brigade had to break down the door. There were black plastic bags on the windows all summer.

“These houses aren’t being managed at all. These people are gone today and we are hoping that the students who come in are quiet.

“During the summer months, we kept records of the parties in the area.
“From the end of May to the start of June, there were 215 incidences of house parties recorded by the association. There were 17 reports of parties in one house.

“This is an epidemic. We need legislation to deal with this behaviour.”

Ms Clancy said the landlord should now be sent the charges for the calling out of three units of the city fire brigade to the house.

I can feel the outrage simmering :D
You'd have sympathy for the residents up around that way with all the parties, even aside from covid, but "This is an epidemic. We need legislation to deal with this behaviour", will win you no fans.
PJ had callers on yesterday pleading for people to cut the students a bit
of slack as students have had a very rough time due to covid, then again there is every chance pj had these callers lined up just to provoke reaction,
House parties have been going on for years up around that way. Why is it different now? Get on with and complain to the Guards.
I thought this thread was going to be about one of those weird little Asian suv shitboxes. You know, rave-on, tuckbox, qumquat, etc....
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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