Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Lads, perhaps ye need to google when Russia invaded Ukraine. Our political leaders at the time spoke about the need for Ireland to take in refugees. It was February 2022. It was in all the news.
Why Shinners have a soft spot for Russia is always a mystery to me while at the same time waffling on about 800 years of oppression by Crown forces here.


Why Shinners have a soft spot for Russia is always a mystery to me while at the same time waffling on about 800 years of oppression by Crown forces here.

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Agree that it is inexplicable that some on the left including some SF people take the Russian view because it is notionally anti-NATO or anti-globalist or anti-establishment. Railing about 800 years of oppression from crown forces is incompatible with siding with the invader/coloniser/land grabber. Makes no sense.
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A simple question would be when did Russia annex Crimea? 2014 is the answer. The current invasion of Ukraine territory was Feb 2022 but Putin has been taking chunks for a long time. It's why Ukraine gave up their nuclear capability on the promise of security.
A simple question would be when did Russia annex Crimea? 2014 is the answer. The current invasion of Ukraine territory was Feb 2022 but Putin has been taking chunks for a long time. It's why Ukraine gave up their nuclear capability on the promise of security.
That is always the Russian "Salami Slice" strategy.

Claim that a Russian minority is being oppressed so they have to send in tanks and troops (Armed goons) to protect them while slowly strangling the victim state.
A simple question would be when did Russia annex Crimea? 2014 is the answer. The current invasion of Ukraine territory was Feb 2022 but Putin has been taking chunks for a long time. It's why Ukraine gave up their nuclear capability on the promise of security.

I think it would be fair to say that there had long been trouble in the Donbass region between those who saw themselves as Ukrainians and ethnic Russians, which eventually in 2014 broke into armed conflict. People around the Donbass region who were nominally Ukrainians were being fired upon by Ukrainian armed forces. A legacy from when they were ruled by Russia there seemed to be a difference in outlook between those generally east and west of the Dniper. Crimea too had many that didn't look upon themselves as Ukrainians.

But the actual deplorable invasion of Ukraine by Russia didn't take place until Feb 2022
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