Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Nope. No one in the history of the state has ever gone to jail for not paying their TV licence. Some people who have been convicted of not paying their TV licence and fined, and then have refused to pay that fine notwithstanding having the means to pay said fine have been jailed. That's a different thing though.

No inquiry is ever going to satisfy you, because your questions are a mixture of things that the answer to is already in the public domain, and questions that are really really stupid. You would like an inquiry to answer why Clare Byrne broadcast from her shed? Jesus wept...

You should log onto the people's republic of New Zealand and tell them that we had the longest, most authoritarian lockdown in the planet...
"No one in the history of the state has ever gone to jail for not paying their tv licence."
411 people jailed last year for not paying their TV licence
I saw his book for sale recently in Dunnes Stores, alongside trashy novels and other low brow offerings, I chuckled to myself.

5km my arse.
An absolute arrogant scumbag.
Should be in jail.
Tweeted pictures about people socialising but not a peep about golf gate or when Leo and co broke rules at the Merrion.
€9 meal kept Covid away....only the Paddies would fall for that shite and not want an inquiry.
Nope. No one in the history of the state has ever gone to jail for not paying their TV licence. Some people who have been convicted of not paying their TV licence and fined, and then have refused to pay that fine notwithstanding having the means to pay said fine have been jailed. That's a different thing though.

No inquiry is ever going to satisfy you, because your questions are a mixture of things that the answer to is already in the public domain, and questions that are really really stupid. You would like an inquiry to answer why Clare Byrne broadcast from her shed? Jesus wept...

You should log onto the people's republic of New Zealand and tell them that we had the longest, most authoritarian lockdown in the planet...
Aren't New Zealand having a Covid inquiry?
RTÉ were the government mouth piece.
Tubridy, that lanky string of misery was as bad.
He should be before an inquiry.
RTÉ even had "stay at home" on the screen during all their shows.

I'll ask again , why did we nearly go into lockdown Christmas 2021, January 2022 yet all restrictions were gone February 2022?
They reduced restrictions around the October weekend 2021 yet the actual guidelines for socialising weren't released until the Wednesday AFTER the long weekend. Surely if the pandemic was so serious they'd have guidelines ready before the long weekend. They knew for months this was the weekend to lighten restrictions yet weren't prepared?
What was the science behind socialising and having a €9 meal?
What was the science behind only socialising for 90 minutes at a time?
Would Covid attack after 91 minutes?
Why weren't people allowed buy shoes? (there was actually a discussion on Prime Time about kids growing out of their shoes quickly 🤦‍♂️).
Why did 2300 people in nursing homes die?
Was it preventable? (I'm sure families would love to know your answer seeing as the government are ignoring them).
Why won't the government even announce a date for the inquiry?
If they did nothing wrong, why not have a public inquiry?
Mehole, in his pathetic announcements on the six-one news said "we're all in this together", so why not prove it and announce an inquiry?
It's a well know fact on this forum that your use of "dear" denotes your rattlement. Hence no need to reply any further to you repeating yourself.

🤣 🤣 🤣

Listen dear, you couldn't rattle a chain ya pity 🤣🤣🤣

Now if you want to run away from the point while grasping at the straw of some notional "fact" fill your boots. I think anyone with even an ounce of sense looking in knows which of the two of us here is rattled and caught for a response :cool:
Some in SF are claiming the govt are deliberately causing the migrant crisis in order to split the SF. voters

Really jimmy - who are those "some in SF" of which you speak? I've not seen such a bizzare claim made by anyone - other than you here. But you do have form.
Máire Ní Cheileachair Song Workshop
MTU Cork School Of Music, Union Quay, Cork

5th Oct 2024 @ 11:00 am
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