Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

O Broin was asked recently what SF need to do to halt the decline, He accepted they have to explain how exactly they
will solve the issues the government are failing on, Been angry all the time is not enough,
Really - just recently you referred to a female poster here as luv.

Your trying to hide behind a claim of "no need to reply any further" shows you know you were schooled and have absolutely no comeback other than a pearl-clutch, and a pretend one at that. 🤣 🤣 🤣
It's a well know fact on this forum that your use of "dear" denotes your rattlement. Hence no need to reply any further to you repeating yourself.
In one way this poll could work in SF favour, In 2019 after a terrible showing in the locals and europeans the feedback they
got from membership was the party had stopped doing the work at ground level and suffered for this,
They had a big recovery in 2020 GE , some seats were won on an anti government wave,
One SF member said to me recently their biggest problem is complacency, So many see them as a shoe in to be in government next time out,
People starting to see that Sinn Fein leadership are not sincere in anything. Many of their members see this also.
I think the Patricks day trip to Washington annoyed many party members and potential voters, To claim the sole reason for going
was to put pressure on Biden was not one bit credible,
They're dropping like a stone because MLMcD is woeful as a political leader, because the INP and IFP crew have successfully used the immigration issue as a wedge, almost equating nationalism now with anti-immigration as opposed to its traditional meaning.

She had 5 years to turn the appetite for change into a solid SF vote, had 36% at one point and did nothing to consolidate it.

The 4 point drop and 4 point gain for FG is not a direct swap. I doubt anyone has decided to go from SF to FG. But of course it will be doubled on by Harris as an indication of his leadership.

Been saying it for ages it was FG, FF and Indies and this latest poll confirms it. The only small caveat is the referenda polls in the days up to them and the actual result were very different.
I think the Patricks day trip to Washington annoyed many party members and potential voters, To claim the sole reason for going
was to put pressure on Biden was not one bit credible,
That and Michelle saying sorry for going to Storey "funeral".Should have stuck to her guns that he was friend of the family.
After they calling on members to attend and bring white shirts and black ties,from every county.!
Worse happened a short time ago.Eddie Butler (Balcombe St) died and Mary Lou,Michelle or Adams turned up at his funeral.Went down very bad.
People starting to see that Sinn Fein leadership are not sincere in anything. Many of their members see this also.
The current coalition government swore they wouldn't coalesce with each other in 2020.
Mehole said the banks weren't bailed out.
FG promised to abolish the USC.
Enda promised Cork an events centre.
Enda promised to end the scandal of those on trollies.
Harris promised no more tented villages in Dublin.
McEntee said Dublin was a safe city, 2 months later the city was on fire
Mark Lyndon
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

9th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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