Sinn Fein are not a Normal Political Party

Any other party would be ditching their leader after this continuing pattern of decline of support for Sinn Fein over the past year.

This was a face to face poll and not an online poll

If Michelle O'Neill was from any other party Sinn Fein would be calling for her head 24/7.


BREAKING 14-05-24: First Minister Michelle O'Neill tells COVID Inquiry in Belfast she recognises her attendance at Bobby Storey's funeral compounded hurt and she is "sorry for going".
Stacey and Jimmy when the shinners were streets ahead 'ah sure those polls mean nothing. Stacey and Jimmy when the shinners drop ike a stone 'these polls are serious stuff'. 🤣🤣
Mary Lou McDonalds has been very poor since she came back last year, conflicting statements, deputies not on message and all over the place and as you say flip-flopping on issues jusat trying to stay popular has got them in a terrible bind.

Bernard Casey (Local Gossip) and Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

14th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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