Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Humans are crazy, in a thread decrying the use of savage barbarism by one nation on another, "civilized people" are reduced to threatening to beat the head off each other.
Humans are crazy, in a thread decrying the use of savage barbarism by one nation on another, "civilized people" are reduced to threatening to beat the head off each other.
Tbf I just responded by pm to this post put on a thread.
Go fuck yourself.
If you want to say the above words to my face sometime then PM me and we'll see how that goes for you
Also I'm not a bit civilised.
Ive always enjoyed sparring whether it was physical or verbal.
I can see the discussion is on ;)

Some hidden ninjas chopping onions in the background sent me this. This is the girl who was singing frozen song in the bunker. Polish private TV made a charity concert to support Polish Humanitarian Action (1mln euro raised) last Sunday. She was asked to sing the anthem as she was saying her dream would be to sing in front of the proper audience ;) it is cut at the start when she was walking to the stage saying "nightmare, nightmare". Well she did grand if you ask me!

Edit: look what happens when the first notes of the anthem are starting. Those tiny bits are what matters, everyone got up!
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Ukrainians have now killed 5 named Russian Generals. They are jamming the Russian army radio communications. Normally the generals lead from the rear and are in radio communication with the front of a column. With no communications the general now has to come up to the front for an update on the hold up. When he pops his head out of his armoured personnel carrier the Ukrainian snipers pick him off. They have excellent snipers
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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