Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Wingnuts in Ireland is one thing. Thousands of heavily armed militarily trained neo-nazi racist "idiots" as you call them is something else.
Sorry. I forgot that you don’t really have an army.

So tell us what this “something else” is. How large is Ukraine’s army compared to this unit? How large is the total population compared the the number of these people?
If they were in a mutually agreed self-defence pact they could, and more importantly, before anyone attacked them they'd know the others would come to their aid. There's nothing per se at the moment preventing Sweden for instance (or Germany or the US or UK or whoever) providing military help to Ukraine so why on earth, if they came to a mutually defensive pact with Ukraine would they be stopped?
Why exactly should people not in their pact come to their aid?
This might be true IF RUSSIA HAD NOT JUST BEGUN A WAR OF CONQUEST AGAINST UKRAINE. Are you seriously saying hat the reason that this happened is because the rest of Europe cultivated an obsolete Cold War attitude?
I am seeking to explain that NATO is a remnant of the cold war era and moving ever east was giving Putin all the reasons he needed to attack.
I am seeking to explain that NATO is a remnant of the cold war era and moving ever east was giving Putin all the reasons he needed to attack.
Putin needed no reason to attack. There were no reasons. Ukraine was never a threat. NATO is not a threat. Ukraine in NATO would not be a threat. You claim that yo want to move beyond the Cold War, but with your buffer zone/bases on the border nonsense, you’ve gone back to 1914.
Good Morning!

Here is a video of a soundtrack very often used in Ukrainian videos from the front.
The voice in it says: Good Evening we are from Ukraine.

Wingnuts in Ireland is one thing. Thousands of heavily armed militarily trained neo-nazi racist "idiots" as you call them is something else.
In a population of 44 million?
And they are only heavily armed since Putin invaded Crimea and set up puppet governments and sent in covert troops to the Donbass.

For context there is about 25000 right wing extremists in Germany a country that is not being invaded by Russia.

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