Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

The Russians will be sending none of those planes back, they will cannibalise them like they did the last time. They cant fly them because they wont get international clearance, so they strip them instead and use the parts to get their own fleet off the ground since that cant be traced as readily

The insurance element of this is far from straight forward for the leasing companies here. It could be viewed as an act of war but will be argued that the issue is a result of sanctions and not war, therefore doesn't qualify
Boeing and Airbus aren’t allowed supply parts for them. They’re rapidly heading towards Iran or North Korea status.
The joke in Moscow apparently is “I got the last iPhone.”
Does it befit our status as a neutral country to express condolences on the death of a megalomaniac responsible for the death and misery of many millions? Do you think if Putin is killed in the morning it would "befit our status as a neutral country" for Mehole Martin to express condolences on his death?
Devalera was advised by all of his cabinet at the time not to do it, but he still went ahead and did it.

Not sure there were many leaders of neutral countries around the world that expressed condolences for Hitler when he died either. And of course there was an estimated over 50,000 Irish people from south of the border at the time fighting for the allied forces against Hitler. So not sure it was something Devalera had to do in the circumstances tbphwy
Does it befit our status as a neutral country to express condolences on the death of a megalomaniac responsible for the death and misery of many millions? Do you think if Putin is killed in the morning it would "befit our status as a neutral country" for Mehole Martin to express condolences on his death?
Devalera was advised by all of his cabinet at the time not to do it, but he still went ahead and did it.

Not sure there were many leaders of neutral countries around the world that expressed condolences for Hitler when he died either. And of course there was an estimated over 50,000 Irish people from south of the border at the time fighting for the allied forces against Hitler. So not sure it was something Devalera had to do in the circumstances tbphwy
Everyone who ever studied junior cert history could tell you why Dev felt an expression of Irish neutrality at that time was important.

Go read a book and stop displaying your ignorance at every fucking opportunity.
Putin signed a law yday that will make it possible for Russia to basically steal the 500+ airplanes that Western leasing companies have demanded be returned to them.

About two-thirds of which are owned by Dublin-based aircraft lessors. The planes are worth more than USD 10 billion.This is how doing business with Russia ends

Industry insiders fear that leased aircraft held in Russia could spark multi-billion euro claims against insurance policies and protracted legal battles with insurers in disputes over war-risk policies and challenges to pay-outs amid uncertainty over asset write-downs and compensation.

As I understand It’s technically legal if the holding companies are compensated at fair market value (good luck with that one) but who is going to deal with Russian companies ever again?
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Anyone see the girl working in the newsroom on Russian main news with the sign saying Putin was lying.
Brave girl but will probably be disappeared now.
Some people are alleging it's some sort of weird Russian propaganda plot, maybe to distract from their atrocities, because the news in Russia is not live anyway.
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Here in Germany, vaccination centres are going to be turned into refugee centres. Majority of Ukrainian refugees in Germany go first to Berlin, and from there they will be dispersed around Germany.

But I guess Polish language and culture is more similar to what they are used to, so the majority will prefer to stay there, unless they have connections in Germany.
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