Russia's unjustifiable war of aggression in Ukraine

Just talking to the missus there. She's working today, in Emergency Dept.
They had a Ukrainian woman and her daughter in earlier, distressed.
Their son/brother has just been killed back home. Twenty two, worked in IT.
They were given some stuff to relax/anesthetize the mental pain. They are on their way back home, presumably to bury him.

A small, insignificant story, a result of Putin's war.

And BTW Silky and the other prick, I have ye on ignore, but...GO FUCK YOURSELVES, YOU FUCKING SCUM.
And now I find out that the lad killed in Lebanon is the son/grandson of acquaintances of ours.
Unrelated to the main topic, but fuckit ☹️

And we know the family of the lad found guilty of the murder of his friend in Dunleer.

Happy Christmas everyone ☹️
Once again insults from a serial denier, can't find a US war he won't justify. You should take a look back and see the crimes the US conducted.
See? Just as I said. Another assertion. Much easier than doing the work of reading or thinking.

No, I’m not justifying US crimes. I’m actually pointing out what happened.

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This Bakhmut where Ukrainian soldiers are getting caught up in a meat grinder?

Perhaps your buddy 'Jay from Kyiv' wrote this, an actual Ukrainian source admitting to serious loss of military.

Then again, the unelected President of the EU Ursula Van Der Liar let it slip that Ukraine has suffered over 100,000 military deaths, a few frantic calls from Washington and Kiev i'm sure followed and the speech 'mysteriously' got erased from the Net, but nothing stays lost.

An appeal from some Ukraine soldiers...

Even Clown News Network are starting to spin a few home truths...

So tell us more about how Ukraine is winning in Bakhmut?
We’re really scrapping the barrel these days
This Bakhmut where Ukrainian soldiers are getting caught up in a meat grinder?

Perhaps your buddy 'Jay from Kyiv' wrote this, an actual Ukrainian source admitting to serious loss of military.

Then again, the unelected President of the EU Ursula Van Der Liar let it slip that Ukraine has suffered over 100,000 military deaths, a few frantic calls from Washington and Kiev i'm sure followed and the speech 'mysteriously' got erased from the Net, but nothing stays lost.

An appeal from some Ukraine soldiers...

Even Clown News Network are starting to spin a few home truths...

So tell us more about how Ukraine is winning in Bakhmut?

Also apparently three waves of missile attacks have been launched by Russia during the past hour.

Monsieur boner is back! You missed us?
What do you think of the interview recently of Angela Merkel she did with Zeit Doc where she said the Minsk agreements were just there to give Ukraine time to arm itself?

As i'm generous, here's the full no paywall link:

Page 3 has the relevant piece:

Merkel: But that presupposes that we also say what exactly the alternatives were at the time. I considered the initiation of Ukraine and Georgia's accession to NATO, which was discussed in 2008, to be wrong. The countries did not have the necessary prerequisites for this, nor did it think through to the end what consequences such a decision would have had, both with regard to Russia's actions against Georgia and Ukraine and to NATO and its rules of assistance. And the 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time.

Arm itself in the face of the inevitable Russian invasion, which then happened? Makes sense to me.

Or are you going to tell us some bullshit that Ukraine was arming to attack and conquer Russia? 😂
What do you think of the interview recently of Angela Merkel she did with Zeit Doc where she said the Minsk agreements were just there to give Ukraine time to arm itself?

As i'm generous, here's the full no paywall link:

Page 3 has the relevant piece:

Merkel: But that presupposes that we also say what exactly the alternatives were at the time. I considered the initiation of Ukraine and Georgia's accession to NATO, which was discussed in 2008, to be wrong. The countries did not have the necessary prerequisites for this, nor did it think through to the end what consequences such a decision would have had, both with regard to Russia's actions against Georgia and Ukraine and to NATO and its rules of assistance. And the 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time.

With this lot your very close to being nominated for Idiot of the year for being a Russian bot,🤣
Lads, would ye ever stop responding to these troll-bots and stick them on ignore. Everytime you respond to them it is the fuel they desperately crave

You are right. On the other hand if we ignore this shit, some intellectually challenged users might think any of this true.

Like with the meat grinder here. This is when someone stupidly is trying to attack something not looking at the cost and to achieve something with little strategic significance. So the troll claims UA is doing it when in fact... Bakhmut is a graveyard for orcs and Wagner mercenaries in particular. How many months they are hitting the wall there? Monsieur boner was claiming success in June I believe ;)

I wonder why this account surfaced in fairness, it should be perma banned.
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