Leaderboard after Round 4 and nominations for Round 5
28 The Outdoor Threadmill
26 Honest Rebel
24 rebelwithoutacause
24 red&blue (Rockies, Barrs)
24 Fandango
24 Omar
24 thistlecrack (Rockies Barrs)
24 The Bandit
22 maroon96
22 Corkuberralles
22 Gallant1
22 timeshine
22 finbarrog
22 cactus Jack
22 The long road
20 snoppd
18 bluesball (EOwn Barrs)
18 North Cork Star
16 HurlingFan19
18 Vladimir the Bear
18 Mad GAA Man
16 Red Rebel 1
16 HighHorse (Rockies Barrs)
16 roversfan
9 eggbasket
3 Thehighroad
0 Cork1990
0 minstrel