M msGod Jun 15, 2012 #1 Just bought a new iPad today, can I download books from Amazon like you can for a kindle?
J jack-your-body Jun 15, 2012 #2 Yep, you just need to install the Kindle app: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_ipad_mkt_lnd?docId=1000490441 On a scale of 1 to 10, how "pretty" is the screen?
Yep, you just need to install the Kindle app: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_ipad_mkt_lnd?docId=1000490441 On a scale of 1 to 10, how "pretty" is the screen?
J jack-your-body Jun 17, 2012 #4 msGod said: The kindle app or the iPad screen? Click to expand... The iPad screen. Did you get the kindle app going?
msGod said: The kindle app or the iPad screen? Click to expand... The iPad screen. Did you get the kindle app going?
U umma08 Jun 23, 2012 #6 jack-your-body said: *WOOOOOSSHHH* Click to expand... i was wondering where that errant brand flake went.
jack-your-body said: *WOOOOOSSHHH* Click to expand... i was wondering where that errant brand flake went.