
What’s the rules/law regarding the erection of auctioneer signage? One auctioneer has a sign erected outside my house for the last year pointing in to a housing estate on the other side of the main road (at one stage they had multiple signs on the same pole). The sign is mounted on a pole belonging to eir. The same auctioneer is littering the area, with similar sign placement point off main road. Complete lack of respect to my mind. It’s really peeing me off at this stage. I’m just wondering what action I can take?
What’s the rules/law regarding the erection of auctioneer signage? One auctioneer has a sign erected outside my house for the last year pointing in to a housing estate on the other side of the main road (at one stage they had multiple signs on the same pole). The sign is mounted on a pole belonging to eir. The same auctioneer is littering the area, with similar sign placement point off main road. Complete lack of respect to my mind. It’s really peeing me off at this stage. I’m just wondering what action I can take?
Put on your big boy pants, take it down and dump it. :)
What’s the rules/law regarding the erection of auctioneer signage? One auctioneer has a sign erected outside my house for the last year pointing in to a housing estate on the other side of the main road (at one stage they had multiple signs on the same pole). The sign is mounted on a pole belonging to eir. The same auctioneer is littering the area, with similar sign placement point off main road. Complete lack of respect to my mind. It’s really peeing me off at this stage. I’m just wondering what action I can take?
What Auctioneer is it?
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Zion Train

The Pav, Today @ 10pm

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