Move to Sweden, Work less...

Bout 6 months in total, 4 in winter, 2 in summer
The key to understanding the Swedes is learning the language. In general they are a reserved bunch yet complicated. Sweden is essentially the worlds best advertising company. They give out the impression of being liberal, diplomatic, democratic , peace brokers etc. when on the other hand they sell weapons to anyone who will buy them, have poor record with women's rights( 94% rape charges kicked out) , failing education system , a fascist party with 10% of the vote and a failing education system. So there are many contradictions.
Stockholm though is a wonderful multicultural city. A dynamic social life. Great cafes,bars and all night clubbing. I live a 25 min walk from the City center. There is a beach at the end of my street and the water is around 21 degrees July to September so perfect for swimming. My 2 kids go to a Kimdergarten from 09.00- 16.00 Mon- Fri. This costs 150 euro a month includes food etc.
The key to understanding the Swedes is learning the language. In general they are a reserved bunch yet complicated. Sweden is essentially the worlds best advertising company. They give out the impression of being liberal, diplomatic, democratic , peace brokers etc. when on the other hand they sell weapons to anyone who will buy them, have poor record with women's rights( 94% rape charges kicked out) , failing education system , a fascist party with 10% of the vote and a failing education system. So there are many contradictions.
Stockholm though is a wonderful multicultural city. A dynamic social life. Great cafes,bars and all night clubbing. I live a 25 min walk from the City center. There is a beach at the end of my street and the water is around 21 degrees July to September so perfect for swimming. My 2 kids go to a Kimdergarten from 09.00- 16.00 Mon- Fri. This costs 150 euro a month includes food etc.

Yeah, I can see why it appeals to some people alright, and now maybe that I'm a bit older and have different priorities in my life, I might have a different experience if I went back. It's been 10 years since I lived there and 8 since I was back for a visit. I'm generally very harsh on the place though, as I just didn't really fall in love with it the way I have with so many other cities and its probably the only place I've lived that I don't miss anything about.

Your points about the contradictions are obviously spot on, everyone has this opinion of Sweden as this liberal socialist paradise, but in reality it has as many problems as anywhere else really.

And I'll take on board your point about the language, we tried our best to get the guys in the office to come out with us to watch football, or have dinner etc, but in general it was only the non-swedes who took up the offer.

Stockholm is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been in though, especially in winter.
Whats the nazi situation like quacks?

Not much fun to be honest.
A member of the Police recently was taken in for being involved in a Nazi demonstration. The papers greeted it with shock and horror but I k ow an old fellah that
Lives near me and he said that people have been reporting him to his superiors since the 80s for his fascist leanings.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
JJ Walsh's, 64 Oliver Plunkett St.

8th Mar 2025 @ 7:00 pm
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