Most Dislikable Football Pundits

The Brits love Roy and Roy loves coin. Probably makes Roy the #1 pundit/paid pundit.

I personally think Roy is about as informative as a block of cheese. However, if he has his Brit paymasters wrapped around his pinky, fair play to him.
Roy is not there to inform

He's there to entertain. Like Dunphy back in the day. He's damn good at it too imo.
Roy is not there to inform

He's there to entertain. Like Dunphy back in the day. He's damn good at it too imo.
I don't think he has any kind of tactical awareness, so wouldn't have much to give in informed analysis, if he needed to provide it.

I find it's the same old reused phrases about hunger, desire, personality, character etc. With a one liner thrown in to ensure the lols and clicks.
I think the better players shouldn't become pundits as it sort of came natural to them.
It's probably difficult for them to explain why they did what they did in certain situations. They didn't even think about it.

The likes of Nicky Butt or John O'Shea would probably be better pundits than any of the current crop as they had to learn their game and work at it continually.

Damien Delaney
I think Delaney is one of the better ones. Recent experience playing at a high level, good knowledge of the modern game and tactics, doesn't seem to go for sensationalist takes, and is very articulate. Would be surprised if we don't see him popping up on Sky in the future, he'll need to work on the sensationalism though!
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

11th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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