Michael Martin " The Real Taoiseach "

Am I imagining things or is Michael Martin alot more visual than the Taoiseach Brian Cowen over the last month or two is he Politically Moving himslf in to a position of into being leader of Fianna Fail or even the country in the short future.
I was delighted to hear Prendeville lace into him on 96fm this morning. He was asked a straight question - should O'Donoghue resign? Martin went off on some tangent, to which Prendeville replied 'what a load of waffle - you won't give me a straight answer'.

Prendeville also commented on the state of our main politicians, being overweight, shabby and 'sloven' in the Dail, that they needed to lose weight and clean themselves up. Martin retorted that Cowen shouldn't be criticised for his personal appearance, people should be judged on how they perform in office etc.

Martin also said he was run off his feet, doing 'radio and TV' over the last few days.

He's really developed into a self-centred egotistical twat. He'll be history after the next election.
I was delighted to hear Prendeville lace into him on 96fm this morning. He was asked a straight question - should O'Donoghue resign? Martin went off on some tangent, to which Prendeville replied 'what a load of waffle - you won't give me a straight answer'.

Prendeville also commented on the state of our main politicians, being overweight, shabby and 'sloven' in the Dail, that they needed to lose weight and clean themselves up. Martin retorted that Cowen shouldn't be criticised for his personal appearance, people should be judged on how they perform in office etc.

Martin also said he was run off his feet, doing 'radio and TV' over the last few days.

He's really developed into a self-centred egotistical twat. He'll be history after the next election.

Did Prenderville comment on the quality of radio presenters in Cork?

How can you even turn on the radio while he's on air?

It's a pity we can't have some kind of electoral vote to make the likes of him history also.

Why do you think Micheál Martin will be history after the next election?
Did Prenderville comment on the quality of radio presenters in Cork?

How can you even turn on the radio while he's on air?

It's a pity we can't have some kind of electoral vote to make the likes of him history also.

Why do you think Micheál Martin will be history after the next election?

Prendeville being shown up for the clown he is. What a stupid comment to make! Their weight like!

Himself and Lenihan are the best of a terrible terrible bunch. Lenihan has been given a poisoned chalice to which no one could please people with. What I like about Lenihan is that he never shys away from public attention and always tries at least.
It this the same Micheal Martin that got a donation from Owen O Callaghan and put into his wife's account in her single name.
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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