@ Matlock

Don't tell me that your feelings are hurt by a bunch of keyboard idiots. Stop lurking and start posting. You're missed and I will apologise on behalf of the proc if anyone hurt your feelings.
Probably just some type of new years resolution. Give it a few more days....

I bet she is reading all the time and even typing posts. Then the struggle not to click reply begins and the mind over matter battle with the inner proc begins. After a battle of wits and a delete or page back it begins again.
Ode to Mattie.

Her hair she flung it black
Her face fell like diamonds
All across her board
The silence it was scalding
No more shall she roar
The poor they were crying.

(unpublished anthropologist)
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
Sin É, Coburg St

19th Aug 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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Chris McGrath

Arty's Bar, Today @ 9pm

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