Ladies Day at Aintree tomorrow.

Can't wait for the Daily Wail to publish their annual collection of Scouse burds who have bodies like bloated whales and faces that have been given several whacks from the Ugly Stick.

Here's the winner from last year:-

"Probably the only day I would leave my car parked in Liverpool - all the scallys are at the races!"

"jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus look at the state of some of them!!!"

"Can we ban these photos being published overseas; its embarrassing to say the least!"

"I despair. Hatchet faces, orange skin, dimply knees . . . do they seriously think they look even remotely attractive? Fair enough if they were going to get trolleyed in a nightclub but to the RACES? In broad daylight? They all must have Sleeping Beauty's Stepmother's mirror telling them that they're 'reet gorjus'."

Gilbert O'Sullivan
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

10th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Complete Madness Ireland

Crane Lane Theatre, Today @ 4pm

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